Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ask a Professional Organizer: The Fine Art of Setting Limits


Question: "Hello. I feel like I am pretty organized, but I feel like my closets and cabinets are still overflowing and there isn't anywhere to put new things that come into my life. Do you have any ideas on why I am struggling with this?"
~K.W. Las Vegas, NV
PR Manager
Professional Organizer's Answer: "Awe, the Fine Art of Setting Limits. Most people rarely, if ever, look at how many of anything they truly need.?? For instance, when is the last time you considered how many towels you actually need? ??Or how many mugs? Silverware? Shoes? Bottles of shampoo? Photos?
If you have no idea how many of these items you need, there is nothing to stop you from continuing to purchase them, accept them as gifts, and acquire more and more of them.?? And, quite frankly, there IS such a thing as too much of a good thing!?? Setting limits on how much stuff we keep has some very powerful benefits:
  • You know exactly how many items you have on hand
  • You won't continue to buy things you truly don't need (saving you a lot of money!)
  • You will have much more space in your cupboards, drawers, and closets
  • You will greatly reduce the inflow of clutter into your life
  • Since you'll have fewer items, it's much easier to get items that you truly love, rather than a larger quantity of 'so-so' items that you've settled for
Here is how to set limits:
Decide on the limits that work well for you.? One simple guideline is to look at how many people live in your household and use that as your guide.
For example, if there are 4 people living in your home, you might decide to have two sets of bath/hand/wash towels for each person... one set being used, and the other set in the wash or clean and ready to be used. So you'd have a total of 8 sets of towels.
If you want to have towels on hand for company, ask yourself how often you actually have company. Could your 8 sets of towels cover company as well?
Depending on your laundry, you might even find that one complete set of towels per person (4 sets) plus 2 extra sets (for a total of 6 sets) might be enough.
Then go through your towels and choose the best of the best so you have 8 sets (or whatever your own limit is).
And get rid of the rest.
YOU decide what your guidelines and limits are - so they truly fit your lifestyle.
Clear out that space in your cupboards, closets, and drawers.? You can do this in every area of your life: your office, your books, your cosmetics, your kitchen supplies, your clothes and shoes... everything.
Then be mindful about acquiring new items, rather than simply bringing them into your home without noticing if they enhance your life or simply add to your clutter.
If your needs ever change, give yourself complete permission to change your limits.? You will be amazed at the freedom (and spaciousness) that comes simply from setting limits!"
Erica Duran is a Productivity Expert and Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®). At Erica Duran International ( ), she provides both virtual and in-person coaching around the globe through her programs, courses, and products. Erica mostly attracts women entrepreneurs and business owners. She helps them to clear the clutter in their lives at ALL levels, gets them out of just being "busy" and "overwhelmed" and into a calm, flowing, and balanced lifestyle.
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