Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ask a Productivity Expert: "How Will I Ever Be "Ready" Enough To Get Organized?"


Question: "Hello! I've been meaning to call you for help organizing my office and taking advantage of your Streamline Your Success program, but I always feel like I am not "ready" enough. What do I need to do to get ready to work with a Productivity Coach/Professional Organizer?"
Productivity Expert's Answer: Hello. This is a great question! I applaud you for raising your hand and realizing that what you are doing now is not working and you recognize you need/want a change or a shift. Everyone I work with seems to have a little apprehension of the unknown as they move forward.
Honestly there is no way to "get ready" or to have all your "ducks in a row" before you start this process. It is actually best if I see what you are currently doing and what is working for you and what isn't so that we can set up the best systems for your situation. All you need is to know that you want transformation in your life and/or business and accept the guidance.
Some clients are afraid I will make them do a bunch of changes all at once and they will feel overwhelmed? But, most likely the reason they want to work with me is the fact that they are overwhelmed and want a simple, yet more productive existence. They want to get out of an overwhelming stress full lifestyle and into a calm and balanced one.
Some clients may worry that I will tell them they are doing everything wrong. They don't need me telling them that on top of everything else they are going through. They may be afraid of another disappointment of disapproval. I gauge the clients energy levels and willingness to change their habits and guide them through a transformational process. I give suggestions, reasons, and easy step-by-step processes to make small changes that will have a big impact. The small changes build to create new habits. This gives them the momentum to make the bigger changes needed and makes the new habits "stick".
Often my clients have been trying to make these changes on their own for years but they get "stuck" or don't ever get a-round-to-it. They don't have any accountability or support through the process on their own and get overwhelmed or their energy burns out. Then, they feel even worse about themselves when they fail yet again. Often times I can suggest one small little change or way of thinking that shifts everything for the client and motivates them to move even faster through the process. Many times it is just permission to release something they've been holding onto (physical or mental). Or they just didn't know that it was "OK" to throw certain mental or physical clutter away.
For some perspective clients their budget is what is stopping them from moving forward. I've created many programs at various price points to try to offer great help on any budget. Some of my programs even can accommodate payment plans. Not to be arrogant, but in this business you get what you pay for as far as level of experience and results. Remember too that Productivity Coaches and Professional Organizers save you tons of money through getting rid of the unnecessary and excess that fills up in your life - the need to "keep up with the Joneses". You will purchase less because you will know exactly what you need to be fulfilled, exactly what you have on hand, and where to find it.
The funniest objection I hear from future clients is that they think it will take a lot of time to get organized and more productive. This is funny because my whole goal in life is to save them time, money, and get them working on the big important stuff in your life and business - not busywork. In almost every case I can get a client more than eight hours back per week that they can use towards recreational activities they've always wanted to try or they can use those hours to improve their businesses.
The biggest question you must ask yourself when contemplating working with a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer is:
"How is my situation ever going to get better?"
So, when would you like to get started?:)
Erica Duran is a Productivity Expert and Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®). At Erica Duran International ( ), she provides both virtual and in-person coaching around the globe through her programs, courses, and products. Erica mostly attracts women entrepreneurs and business owners. She helps them to clear the clutter in their lives at ALL levels, gets them out of just being "busy" and "overwhelmed" and into a calm, flowing, and balanced lifestyle. Want to ask Erica a Question and be featured in her electronic magazine, blog, and other articles. Submit your question here:

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