Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Trust the Empty Space and Polish Everything Around You


The last five months I've been traveling and working on the ultimate de-cluttering project. Now, I'm back in Newport Beach, CA! And, it took me literally 15 minutes to unpack! Really! I had a witness who was amazed to see how little I had brought with me. You see I've been experimenting on several layers of de-cluttering in my own life.
The first time was years ago when I moved from a packed picket-fenced house and sold almost everything to get a place at the beach. Then, a few years later (which would be this past May 2013) I sold absolutely everything else to travel and work remotely. I learned a lot! So now I can help others with a de-cluttered mobile lifestyle design. I will share much more about these experiences in the future, there is not enough room in one article!
This past May, I literally got down to my laptop, planner, cell phone, clothes, and my dogs. Actually, the dogs had more stuff in the car than I did!
I will still continue my own "work-cations" and help others to de-clutter and build a business that can be done from anywhere, but now the pups and I will also have a place to come home to.
For many, de-cluttering is a highly emotional and exhausting challenge. Trusting in empty space is extremely freeing (and bonus, there is less to clean!)
But, it can initially feel uncomfortable when you have let go of things you have held onto. This uncomfortable feeling is often simply part of the de-clutter process for many people.
Knowing how to trust in that empty space, and knowing how to allow whatever comes up around it, is an important part of the process as well. You must be aware of and acknowledge the feelings
Otherwise, you will consciously or unconsciously start filling up your space again to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling.
The next step after de-cluttering is to "polish" everything around you. It is like putting a fine shine on a high-quality pair of shoes. Without the shine, they're just shoes that will protect your feet as you're walking. When they shine beautifully, they give you and everything you are wearing a glow, a feeling of quality, and a sense of confidence.
The same goes for your environment. Once you have cleared out everything that is no longer adding value to your life, it's time to polish and beautifully arrange the things that are left.
Here's where organizing comes in. At this stage, organizing becomes more about making your things beautiful and easily accessible than about fitting more stuff into the available space.
Rather than focusing on adding more things, this concept is about upgrading everything around you so it delights and supports you just the way you want it.
Have you experienced an uncomfortable feeling after de-cluttering? Did you just stop the process and put everything back in your home or office? Did you feel like you needed time alone? I'd love to hear about your experience.
Erica Duran, CPO, is a published Productivity Expert/Coach, Web Designer & Certified Professional Organizer. She has been an entrepreneur and consultant for over 20 years.
Erica works with new entrepreneurs who are just starting their business and have a ton of questions! She also works with those who have been in business for years but long to be more productive, organized, and "get their life back" by doing what they love and make a profit at it.
If you've liked this article, you'll love Erica's dynamic courses and programs to help you get productive, organized, & profitable and stay that way.
Learn more and claim your FREE gifts at http://www.EricaDuran.Co

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