Monday, June 30, 2014

Video Titled "General Organizing Tool kit"

Video Titled "Office Organizing Tool Kit"

Video Titled "Wardrobe Binder"

Video Titled "Clutter Video Tip: How to De Clutter with Better Decision-Making"

Video Titled "How to organize your fridge and freezer"

Video Titled "How to Organize Your Scarves"

Video Titled "Office: Desk Command Center- organize your paperwork and supplies on your desktop"

Video Titled "Detailed/Spring Cleaning: Children's Bedrooms (Zone 5)"

Video Titled "Healthy Kids Inc - How to Organize Your Meals for the Week"

Video Titled "Detailed/Spring Cleaning: Living Room, Family Room and Porch (Zone 4)"

Video Titled "Habits: The Strategy of Foundation"

Video Titled "Detailed/Spring Cleaning Master Bedroom (Zone 3)"

Video Titled "Habits: The Strategy of Scheduling"

Video Titled "Spring Clean My Closet with Me"

Video Titled "Detailed/Spring Cleaning: Bathroom (Zone 2)"

Video Titled "Detailed/Spring Cleaning: Kitchen (Zone 1)"

Video Titled "How I Do My Zone/Detailed/Spring Cleaning"

Video Titled "Clutter Video Tip: 5 Steps to Get Unstuck When You're Afraid of Making Mistakes"

Video Titled "Amy Volk Highlight Reel"

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Video Titled "Should you get organized before or after a move? | Kacy Paide, Office Organizing Expert | DC,MD,VA"

Video Titled "How to Organize Business Cards | Kacy Paide, Office Organizing Expert, DC/MD/VA"

Video Titled "5 Essentials to Organize Your Office | Kacy Paide, Office Organizing Expert, DC/MD/VA"

Video Titled "Kacy Tosses Her Beloved Collection | Kacy Paide, Professional Office Organizer | DC, MD, VA"

Video Titled "How to Remember Everything When You Leave the House - Get Organized Now!"

Video Titled "Making After-Dinner Clean-up a Snap! - Get Organized Now!"

Video Titled "Spring Clean Your Front Closet!"

Video Titled "How to Meal Plan"

Video Titled "See How I Organize My Recipe Book"

Video Titled "Keep Your Kitchen Clean While Cooking"

Video Titled "Getting Big Projects Done - Get Organized Now!"

Video Titled "Set the Tone for an Organized Day - Get Organized Now!"

Video Titled "My Organized Morning Routine - Get Organized Now!"

Video Titled "Have a Productive Day with a Morning Routine"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-free Kitchen Part 8:Getting Rid of Clutter and the Outside of the Fridge"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-free Kitchen Part 5:Cookbooks, Spices, Oils, & Vinegars"

Video Titled "Weekly Routine"

Video Titled "Get Organized with a Before Bed Routine"

Video Titled "Dresser Drawer Organization and Challenge"

Video Titled "Organizing Your Closet Tips and Challenge"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-free Kitchen Part 4: Fridge"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-free Kitchen Part 2: Drawers"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-free Kitchen Part 3: Pantry"

Video Titled "Tips for Getting Rid of Clutter"

Video Titled "An Organized and Clutter-Free Kitchen Part 1: Countertops"

Video Titled "My Weekly Cleaning Routine (DITL Style)"

Video Titled "To Do List, Calendar and Time Management Tips"

Video Titled "Paperwork Organization: Mail, Receipts, School Papers, Coupons"

Video Titled "Tips To Keep Craft Room Clutter Under Control"

Video Titled "3 Tips To Successfully Purge Your Home"

Video Titled "HOME ORGANIZATION: Fridge Organization and Tips"

Video Titled "My Meal Planning System"

Video Titled "Laura's Meal Planning"

Video Titled "5 Easy Ways to Get Out of the Kitchen Faster"

Video Titled "9 Causes for Failing at Managing Your Time at Home"

Video Titled "5 Easy Ways to Cut Your Cooking Time in Half"

Video Titled "9 Things I've Learned about Home Time Management and Cooking"

Friday, June 6, 2014

A List of Ten 15 Minute Tasks

1. Organize your wallet or purse.

2. Set a timer for fifteen minutes to sort through your junk drawer, and safely discard any items you no longer need.

3. Sort through your clothes closet and check for any articles of clothing you never wear. You may decide to donate them to your favorite charity. 

4. Walk around your home for fifteen minutes with a designated box and put any misplaced toys into this box. Now, put all these individual toys back in their proper homes. 

5. Prepare all of your upcoming birthday, anniversary and other greeting cards needed for one month. 

6. Organize an appropriate area in your house for your bill paying supplies. File any papers that need to be filed at this time.
7. Take a few minutes to schedule any necessary upcoming appointments with doctors, dentists, accountants, repair service, beauty salons or barbers, etc.  

8. Spend a few minutes each day reviewing and answering your email. 

9. Take a few minutes to clear flat surface areas, such as kitchen and bathroom counter tops from clutter.

10. Do a routine walk-through your home in the evening to tidy up and return any misplaced items to their proper homes.

Video Titled "Clutter Video Tip: How to Organize Anything! Part 1: Outline Your Plan"

Video Titled ""How Do I Organize My Scrapbook Room?" from @lainehmann of"

Video Titled "Tiny Tip Thursday-Organizing Stationary"

Video Titled "How to Organize Your Clothes - Wardrobe Tips"

Video Titled "Organize Your Life: Me time"

Video Titled "What To Do When There's Too Much To Do"

Video Titled "Time Management Magazine Laura Stack Interview Part 2"

Video Titled "Time Management Magazine Laura Stack Interview Part 1"

Video Titled "Habits: The Stategy of Scheduling"

Start Organizing Your House Now

Do you often read many articles or books about organizing and they have similar ideas for helping you get organized? You can follow some easy ways to learn how to achieve the job and reduce the stress. You will find it will be worth the effort you put forth.

Look at the over-all picture of your home. You may even decide to hire a professional organizer. Go through every room in your house and make your mind up on what you want to do with each room and write it down in an organized manner in a special notebook.

Can you find any hidden storage areas in your rooms? You have options to work with throughout your home. You may decide to add another shelf in the closet. Many people use the storage space on the inside of a door or under the bed. 

It can be motivating to choose organizing products you like and feel comfortable working with in your home. Using things that you like will provide you positive reinforcement for a job-well-done.

Don't forget to take into consideration your daily activities and routines in your home. It is very helpful to place items in the most appropriate areas of your home where they are going to do you the most good. 

For example, items that you use on a daily basis should not be stored on a high shelf. The vacuum cleaner can be stored near the room you use it the most. 

Realize the main reason why you truly want to get organized. Are you doing this for yourself and your family to make life easier and to save time with household chores and maintenance in the future? Or, are you doing it because someone is pressuring you to make these changes? Give yourself positive motivation, proper planning, and necessary time to complete your organizing goals.

Use Index Cards to Write Your Goals

Most of us are so busy these days. It is always helpful to learn a few techniques and skills to reduce stress in our lives. Many women have active careers outside of their homes. They may need to juggle their part-time or full-time work responsibilities with their everyday homemaking tasks. It is difficult to be all things to all people the majority of the time. Busy moms can easily become emotionally and physically exhausted or drained. This doesn't have to happen. It may be helpful to learn good time management skills.

You can get into the habit of writing down specific short-term and long-term goals. I have gotten into the habit of using index cards and I write down a specific goal on each card. I arrange the cards so the goals that I feel are high priority are placed on top, and the less important goals go behind.

I write project deadline dates on the top of each index card. I break each goal down into specific steps that I need to complete to accomplish the goal. I also schedule specific time to achieve each of my goals/tasks. For example, I routinely set aside 15-30 minutes each day to sort, organize, or clean my house. 

So, you may want to get some index cards and write specific cleaning or organizing tasks down on each card. Place all of your cards in an index box. You can select one index card each day and that can be your cleaning or organizing task. 

There are some tasks you can do that will only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. For example, you may think it takes 15 minutes to clean out one kitchen or bathroom cabinet. You might be able to sort and organize a book shelf in 10 minute. If you have 5 minutes, you may be able to clean off a counter top. You can organize your wallet or purse. For larger projects, such as cleaning out a refrigerator or a closet, you may want to allow 1 to 2 hours or more, etc.