Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Hierarchy of Clutter


Clutter isn't just about the "stuff". Clutter shows up in our lives on every level. I have defined seven levels of clutter that we experience in every area of our lives. This article isn't as "how-to" as most of mine are. But, it is meant to awaken your awareness of all the types of clutter around you - even the type you can't see or touch or donate to the Salvation Army.
If you are feeling tired, drained, and overwhelmed, it is possible that it is not only the state of your physical space, but many other areas and levels of you life and being.
For example, do you not get to the gym because not only is your time management out of balance, but mentally you don't feel that this one workout will make any difference and you've just had an argument with your spouse that left you drained and exhausted. Or, maybe it is still the physical clutter keeping you from working out - your treadmill is dusty and under a pile of clothes you meant to take to the dry cleaners.
This is just one example of how one task or goal, getting to the gym, can be affected by many levels of clutter.
I created The Hierarchy of Clutter to visually demonstrate this concept. You can see a the graphic/photo of the actual pyramid on my website. But for now, picture a pyramid pointing up with the base being Level 1: Your Time and Activities, that I speak about first becaue it is the foundation for everything else.
Level 1: Your Time and Activities
This is the basis for all other levels of "clutter". This is why I so strongly believe that we need a visual and physical way of controlling and planning our time in form of a paper day planner. I despise paper in any other area of life, but this foundation of time management and productivity sets the stage for everything else. How are you using your time? Activities, obligations, hobbies, work, playtime, time spent watching TV, time spend maintaining your body, your hair, your home, your kids, your pets. It is estimated that only 80% of what we do day-to-day we truly enjoy or is actually moving us forward to our goals... everything else is just clutter.
Level 2: Your Physical Environment
Items in your physical environment: your home, your office, your car, papers, and files. This is the typical area that people think of about when you say the word "clutter". And, what those shows on HGTV try to demonstrate in a half hour transformation. Everything in your physical environment should be useful or beautiful. Something you absolutely love and are willing to take care of. Anything that is dusty, buried under a pile, stuffed in the back of a closet or garage is not respected. Give the item it's dignity back and release it to someone else that can appreciate it. Or, if it is beyond repair or not work passing on to someone else... lay it to rest and dispose of it. Don't let these physical items block your productivity, energy, or creativity, any more. Don't let them suck up this precious short time you have on earth.
Level 3: Your Virtual Environment
This is a new category for my hierarchy. A few years ago I didn't have this on the pyramid... but now this topic has slowly shifted and it is almost surpassing physical clutter!
How much time and energy are you spending on social media? Unnecessary emails? Misplaced files and documents on your computer? Endless distractions in the form of "I'm just taking a break for a few minutes with the Angry Birds or Solitaire game. Constantly checking your email? Spam? Distracting yourself with the internet into a state I call "Browser Blackout" - this is where you don't know what happened the last few hours because you were surfing the internet. Lost time, energy and data due to not having the proper backup to your electronic data? Time wasted scanning document because you thought that might end you physical paper clutter only to clutter up your hard drive? How many useless apps do you have on your smart phone? Believe it or not all these "virtual" things take space and energy in your life. Be a little more strict in what you let into your virtual world.
Level 4: Your Relationships
Interactions with people that drain your energy or affect you negatively, including spending time with people you don't like, gossip, or allowing misunderstandings and conflict to continue. Go through your address book or you contacts in your smart phone and delete anyone who is draining your energy, who you don't feel happy and energetic when their call shows up on your caller ID. You can still love them... from afar, but start distancing yourself from these people. You need to make room for the people that will energize you and push you forward in your life and business, not have you in a constant state of bad habits through peer pressure and unnecessary guilt. Remember your position in your life and income is the average of the five people you most associate with.
Level 5: Your Five Body Senses
Level 5 refers to anything in your environment that has a negative impact on your five body senses, which include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Examples include body weight that isn't natural and healthy for you, an overabundance of adrenaline, irritating noises in the background, unpleasant odors in your home or office, poor lighting, foods that don't taste good or are unhealthy, or textures that feel uncomfortable to the touch. Take a moment to become aware of all these external influences that are attacking your sense energy and make a list of how to combat them. Let go of scratchy sweaters in your closet, add a white light task lamp to your desk area even if you have overhead lights, throw out any processed food, update your iTunes playlist with positive songs or songs that don't remind you of a lost love, place a bouquet of lavender on your nightstand.
Level 6: Your Mind
Thoughts that include negative self talk, stress, worry, anxiety, judgments, blame, anger. It really is "all in your head". This takes a lot of awareness, concentration and the building new habits, but there are ways you can reprogram your self talk. Worry and stress work "on" you not "for" you. Blame, judgements, and anger is allowing the other beings get power over your own. This is a much bigger topic than the scope of this article, but my intent is to just let you know that this is all just another level of clutter. Negative thoughts are as worthless as a pair of socks that has lost its elasticity, nothing greater - so just release it.
Level 7: Your Spirit
Spirit clutter is anything that gets in the way of your connection with spirit, your deep desire to maximize your yearnings, your gifts, your potential, and your self-fulfillment. This is different than your Mind Clutter. With little effort you can recognize your Mental Clutter and have it "in-check" and say affirmations all day long, but your spirit is different. The only thing that I can say is that you will know when you are "in Spirit" and "not in Spirit". Being in Spirit is when things just "flow" and the task or project isn't a struggle.
In my work with my clients I usually start with the Time Clutter because if you can't create any time you won't be able to tackle the other levels of the hierarchy. Then I work with them on the Physical Clutter, because I have found that it is the easiest way to access the thoughts, beliefs, actions, and ways of being that are creating the clutter in the first place. Like I've said many times, isn't about the "stuff". The "stuff" is just a reflection of what is going on inside. And, if you don't gently clear the clutter and acknowledge the "stuff" you will never be able to move up the hierarchy and be truly free.
Erica Duran is a Productivity Expert and Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®). At Erica Duran International, she provides both virtual and in-person coaching around the globe through her programs, courses, and products. Erica mostly attracts women entrepreneurs and small business owners who want results fast! She helps them to clear the clutter in their lives at ALL levels, gets them out of just being "busy" and "overwhelmed" and into a calm, flowing, profitable and balanced lifestyle. Learn more and claim your FREE gifts at http://www.EricaDuran.Co

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