Tuesday, January 21, 2014

5 Top-Ranked Organizing Tips To Get Rid Of Clutter in Your Home


You know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare---The tortoise and the hare decided to have a race to see who could cross the finish line the first. The hare was racing along on the desert road huffing and puffing when he spotted a shade tree and decided to stop and rest. He sat under the tree and was soon fast asleep.
The tortoise came down the same road only much further behind. She did not stop to rest but just kept on slowly walking. She was probably going as fast as her legs could carry her and as she knew she was doing her best; she was as happy as could be. As you know the tortoise crossed the finish line first. The hare woke up with a start and came zipping across the finish line behind the tortoise.
Looking at this story from an organizing point of view the tortoise has shown that it doesn't matter how fast we organize, the important thing is to keep on keeping on until we are finished. It is not always the swift that wins the race.
Another way to look at this story is that it doesn't matter if we organize slow or fast, both the tortoise and the hare crossed the finish line. To be successful in getting rid of clutter do it fast or do it slow, but do it.
1. When starting a big project, set your timer for about twenty minutes. Give yourself permission to stop when the timer dings. You can always come back later; the important thing is that you do come back.
If you are in a good rhythm, then return to organizing after a little break, but don't do so much at one time that you become discouraged and overloaded. You will be happily surprised at how much you can accomplish by taking it slow and in small 15 to 20 minute "bites".
2. Keep a BE (belongs-elsewhere) basket or container in the room or space you are organizing. As you find items that belong in other rooms put those items in the basket. When you have finished organizing that space take the basket and put the items where they belong. This makes getting rid of clutter faster and more efficient.
3. Keep like items together. These are things that have something in common. They can be identical items (such as dishes) or similar items (such as DVD's). Or they can relate to each other because they have the same purpose (such as craft or hobby supplies).
4. Assign homes for everything you have in your home. This way it reduces clutter and you can find things quickly and easily. If you have a hard time finding homes for everything think about where you would look for it when you need it; then create a permanent home for it there.
5. Getting rid of clutter saves you time and energy. Organize things so they are easy to access, are visible, and are easy to put away after being used.
Whether you identify with the tortoise and slowly organize or you identify with the hare and organize quickly it doesn't matter. Both methods will help you get rid of clutter and save time and energy.
Get It Together Organizing is a dynamic organizing company providing both online and in home services. Professional Organizer Marilyn Bohn specializes in organizing for those who want the organized home of their dreams. She is the author of The Easy Organizer! Her product line includes cutting-edge video workshops for your organizing needs. Sign up for free organizing tips at http://www.marilynbohn.com

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