Sunday, August 11, 2019

Meal Planning for Your Family

Healthy Meal Planning program for your busy family ~ customizable weekly menus, easy recipes and shopping lists based on your grocery stores' sales. Make your life easier by organizing and simplifying your weekly dinners. See how the program works by clicking the following link or the above banner.

(I am a member of a few affiliate programs that are listed on my blog. I may receive monetary compensation for sales of various products, or for successful promotions for specific products.)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Organizational Tips For Work-At-Home Moms

Many work-at-home moms are motivated to get their home and their life organized. They want to have the least amount of stress in their daily lives. They also want to be productive with work and efficient with their family responsibilities. Work-at-home moms want to avoid an overwhelming schedule. It is essential for moms working from home to establish specific business hours. This will help with focus and also to prevent distractions. You will need to explain your working schedule to family and friends. You can delegate certain routine chores to family members, if appropriate. Maybe your spouse could help with cooking. It is essential that you try to keep your life balanced, so you can get adequate rest to be able to function to your fullest potential. A daily planner, paper or digital is very important for management of your time and work. Write down your short-term and long-term goals in your daily planner, along with your specific project plans. You can also use your planner for meal planning too. Make sure that everything has a correct place or "home" in your house. It is a good habit to put back items where they belong on a daily basis. It is helpful to organize the specific storage spaces within your home. Baskets, shelves, bins and cabinets can be used to organize items throughout your home. Create an organizing system that works nicely with your daily lifestyle.