Monday, November 21, 2022

Tips For Organizing Your Bathroom

A caddy container for shampoos and soap in the bathroom may come in handy to give that area a tidy appearance.

I periodically sort through all of my cosmetics to check for outdated products.

I try to keep all of my hair supplies together such as combs, brushes and curlers.

I try to wipe the shower clean after daily use.  

I keep all of my cosmetics together in a safe place. 

Cleaning Ideas For The Bathroom

Clean countertops

Clean bathtub/shower

Clean toilet 

Put out fresh towels

Wash floor

Tidy up linen closet

Wash mirror  

Wipe outside of bathroom cabinets 

Organize inside of bathroom cabinets

Check bath supplies: soap, shampoo, etc.

Tips For Organizing Your Closets

Today I will sort through and organize my closet, and I will determine which articles of clothing that I have not worn for a year. 

I keep my towels and sheets organized in my linen closet.

I periodically sort through my wardrobe to determine if some clothes don't fit properly anymore.

I dust and vacuum my closets on a routine basis.

I have an appropriate amount of shoes that I wear on a routine basis.

I use storage containers with lids to keep the dust out. 

I have an appropriate amount of purses that I routinely use and I keep them organized.

I try to organize clothes in my closet according to categories and colors.

I use clear plastic boxes in a variety of sizes that are stackable to store extra accessories on my closet shelves and I label each box.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Closet



Organize your clothes  

Tips For Organizing Your Bedroom

I just keep the basic essentials on my bedside nightstand, so it stays clutter-free.

I keep my bedroom dresser and bedside nightstand free of excess clutter.

I try to keep my bedroom free of clutter so I can get the proper rest.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Bedroom

Make bed

Change sheets when necessary 

Dust furniture 

Tidy up nightstand 

Vacuum floor

Put any out-of-place items in their proper place

Organize your items inside your dresser drawers

Pick up any clothes and neatly put them into your closet, or if dirty place them in your hamper  

Tips For Organizing Your Dining Room

I make sure that mail, handbags, car keys, bags of groceries from the store, school books and homework papers, book packs, bills and coupons for the grocery store do not pile up on my kitchen or dining room table.

I clear the dinner table right after the meal and do the dishes.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Dining Room

Dust dining room furniture

Keep dining room table free of excess clutter

Wipe dining room table 

Vacuum floor  

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Comforting Psalm For Sunday

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him. I was helped: so my heart is exultant, and in my song I will praise him.” 

Psalm 28:7 

Faithful Bible Verse

“Let your light so shine before the eyes of others so that, seeing your good actions, they will praise your Father who is in heaven.” 

Matthew 5:16 

Sunday’s Inspirational Bible Verse

 “But we do know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him – those who have received the call in accordance with his purpose.” 

Romans 8:28  

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tips For Organizing Your Living/Family Room


I cut out my favorite magazine articles and organize them in plastic sheet protectors in one individual binder instead of keeping every magazine.

I keep my office desk drawers organized with "like" items together.

I routinely sort through my books/magazines and donate some when I am done reading them, so they don't accumulate and take up too much space.

I try to organize a multifunctional room into specific zones such as a television area, office area, or reading area.  

A Tip For Staying Positive About Your Organizing Projects

I stay positive and focused on my daily organizing goals even if I have a day with many unexpected interruptions.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Living/Family Room

Dust furniture and shelves

Vacuum floor

Tidy up coffee table

Put out-of-place items away in their designated places

Tidy up any items on side tables

Dust decorative items

Fold any throws/blankets  

Inspirational Psalm For Today

“From the ends of the earth I call unto you, when my heart is faint: lead me to the rock that is high above me.”  

Psalm 61:2  

Comforting Bible Verse For Today

“Do not be anxious about anything; but under all circumstances, by prayer and entreaty joined with thanksgiving, make your needs known to God. Then the peace of God, which is beyond all human understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and thoughts, through your union with Christ Jesus.” 

Philippians 4:6-7 

Tip For Decluttering Your House

Buying all types of storage containers and moving items to different parts of the house for storage isn't as productive as decluttering a house.  

Saving Time With Your Chores

I may save valuable time in the future while doing my daily household chores once my home is uncluttered and organized.  

Declutter Tip

I should have more time to take good care of myself and concentrate on a healthy environment and lifestyle when my house is organized and uncluttered.  

Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

I do a visual inventory of the food in my refrigerator before I go grocery shopping, so I am less likely to buy unnecessary duplicate items.

I keep kitchen items that I use on a daily basis in safe areas that are very easy for me to reach.

I categorize "like" items together when I clean my pantry.

I routinely check for any food items in my refrigerator with expired dates and I properly discard them.

I keep the fruit and vegetable bins in my refrigerator clean and organized.

While organizing my kitchen cabinets, I safely place similar items together on the shelves: dishes, pots/pans, storage containers. 

If I need to buy a lot of groceries, I try to clean out my refrigerator before I go to the store with my shopping list.

I keep my freezer organized and I also keep a current list of the meats and frozen food in the freezer, along with the dates.

When I clean my pantry closet, I discard any items with expired dates. I organize products according to specific categories.

I keep my silverware drawer in the kitchen or dining room organized and clean. 

When organizing cabinets, I try to place the most frequently used items where I can easily and safely access them quickly.

A clutter situation can interfere with the function of a room such as a kitchen table cluttered with bills, school work and coupons. There is no room to eat a meal.  

Comforting Psalm For Today

For you, Lord, are good and forgiving, rich in love towards all who call on you. 

Psalm 86:5  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Kitchen Cleaning

Wash dishes

Load dishwasher

Scrub kitchen sink

Wipe countertops

Take out garbage

Wipe outside of cabinets 

Organize inside of cabinets

Sweep the floor 

Check for outdated food in refrigerator 

Check for outdated food in pantry

Put out clean dish towels

Clean wastebasket    

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Quick Organizing Tip For Today: Don’t Use Excuses


I do not want to use common excuses for not organizing my home such as: not enough time, or I don't want to get rid of any items that I spent good money for initially.

Tips For Quick Organizing Projects

If you have 15 minutes to spare, you may organize the following:
1. Kitchen shelf
2. Desk drawer
3. Purse
4. Bathroom cabinet
5. Bookshelf

1. Keep flat surfaces free of clutter in your home. 
2. Do the dishes.
3. Make the bed in the morning.
4. Keep the kitchen sink clean.

If I am short on time, I do not think of the concept "all or nothing" in regards to my plan for decluttering my home. I can spend at least 15 minutes straightening up a small area in my house.

If you have 20 minutes to spare, maybe you can just organize one desk drawer, one kitchen shelf, or even your handbag.

I like to use a purse organizer inside of my handbag to organize my items such as keys, daily planning book, sunglasses and pens.

If I have 15 minutes, I may have time to organize my wallet. 

If I have 15 minutes during the day, I may wipe the bathroom and kitchen counters clean. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Faithful Bible Verse For Today

Come to me, all you who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest! Take my yoke on you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls; for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. 

Matthew 11:28-30  


Tips For Decluttering Projects

If you are not sure about keeping an item in your house or donating it, put the item away in a box for a month and see if you really need it.  

Items that help me when I declutter the house: clear storage containers, label maker, and portable folding table for sorting and organizing.

I routinely keep one container in my home to place any items that I find throughout my rooms that I would like to donate.

I have a designated storage bin located in a central area for each family member, so they can place their items into their bin as they walk through the door.

I am thinking about getting rid of one item in my home when I need to bring in a new item, such as when I purchase a new piece of clothing.

I use five clear plastic boxes during the sorting process when I declutter a room. I label them keep, donate, sell, throw away and belongs in another room.

You may want to get storage containers after you declutter your house. You will know the correct size and how many containers you need.

It is a good habit to pick up any misplaced items as you walk through the rooms in your home and place them back where they belong.  

You can gather similar items in separate piles when you are organizing to see how many "like" items that you have. Then you can decide what to keep, toss, or donate.

Tips For Organizing Projects

You may not feel overwhelmed with decluttering your home if you break down large organizing projects into smaller workable steps.

As I organize each specific room in my house I try to keep "like" items together in each category, if possible.

I may miss a few large decorative items that I have decided to get rid of, so I am going to take a photo of them to keep for myself.

I am thinking about some useful items for possible garage sale preparation, which may include: clothing racks, pricing stickers, masking tape, tables with nice tablecloths, yard sale signs and boxes.

Professional organizers may create individual organizing "systems" for easy and efficient home maintenance.

I recently purchased clear plastic shoebox size containers and a label maker for my organizing projects. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Faithful Bible Verse For Today

“Though you have never seen him, yet you love him; though you do not even now see him, yet you believe in him, and exalt with a triumphant happiness too great for words, as you receive the reward of your faith in the salvation of your souls!” 1 Peter 1:8-9  

Tips For Your Organizing Goals

Having too much clutter in the home can take up too much space, time and energy to keep all of the items maintained and in order.

I should have more time to take good care of myself and concentrate on a healthy environment and lifestyle when my house is organized and uncluttered.

My organizing goals: getting rid of items that I no longer want or need and properly storing things that I want to keep, so I can easily find them.

You may possibly be able to save a little money once you are organized because you will realize exactly what items you have at home when you go shopping. Good organizational skills can lead to many positive benefits in life.

Organized individuals routinely store their items in the most appropriate places in their homes and they may put things back when they are done using them to keep things in order.  

Daily Cleaning and Organizing Tips

Write a "To Do" list every evening for the tasks you want to accomplish for the next day.

I will quickly tidy up in the evening, especially if any family members have snacks before bedtime.

I make my bed everyday and keep my bedroom tidy.

I check the mail when it arrives, instead of letting it pile up.

I try to clean up as I go along when I am doing my daily meal preparation for my family.

I routinely try to keep flat surfaces and countertops in my home free of clutter.   

Organize Your House Tip For The Day

I do not despair if I visualize future organizing projects for all rooms throughout my house. I just begin with a small area at first.  

Home Organizing Tip For Today

Having too much clutter in the home can take up too much space, time and energy to keep all of the items maintained and in order. 

Organize Your House Book

I really enjoy writing about home organizing and also my faith. I recently wrote a book that includes over 200 positive affirmations and helpful motivational tips for organizing and decluttering your house. An important goal is to learn how to create an organized home environment and lifestyle. I mention how to deal with clutter and include helpful ideas to develop good routine habits for ongoing maintenance. Hopefully, some of these organizational tips will help you to simplify your life and have more time to enjoy your favorite things. This title is available for purchase on the Bookemon site and also Amazon.  

Peaceful Bible Verse For Today

After dismissing the crowds, he went up the hill by himself to pray; and, when evening fell, he was there alone. 

Matthew 14:23 

Beautiful Psalm For Today

Show us your kindness, O Lord, grant us your salvation. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak; for he will speak of peace to his people, to those who love him, and turn their hearts to him. 

Psalm 85:7-8  

Monday, November 7, 2022

Inspiring Verse For Today

Great are the things that the Lord has done, worthy of study by those who love them. Majestic and glorious is his work, and his righteousness abides forever. For his marvelous deeds he has won renown; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. 

Psalm 111:2-4   

Psalm For Today

For great are you, and a doer of wonders; you alone are God. Teach me, O Lord, your way, that I may walk in your truth: so my heart shall rejoice in your name. I will give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart, my God, I will honor your name forever. 

Psalm 86:10-12  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Beautiful Psalm

Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights. Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all stars of light. Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens. 

Psalm 148:1-4 

My Organize Your House Planner

really enjoy writing about home organizing and also my faith. Today I wanted to mention a book that I published a little while ago. My book includes cleaning and organizing tips for the following areas of your home: entryway, kitchen, dining room, living/family room, bedroom, closets, bathroom, laundry room, basement and garage. The book includes helpful motivation for decluttering projects and organizing goals. You can also write your own lists of individualized chores/tasks. This title is available on the Bookemon site or at Amazon. 

Psalm For Today

For you, Lord, are good and forgiving, rich in love towards all who call on you. 

Psalm 86:5 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Hopeful Psalm

We wait for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. For in him our heart is glad, we trust in his holy name. Let your kindness, O Lord, be upon us, as is our hope in you. 

Psalm 33:20-22  

Today’s Bible Verse

All joy be yours at all times in your union with the Lord. Again I repeat – All joy be yours. Let your forbearing spirit be plain to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything; but under all circumstances, by prayer and entreaty joined with thanksgiving, make your needs known to God. Then the peace of God, which is beyond all human understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and thoughts, through your union with Christ Jesus. In conclusion, friends, whenever you find things that are true or honorable, righteous or pure, lovable or praiseworthy, or if virtue and honor have any meaning, let them fill your thoughts. 

Philippians 4:4-8

Encouraging Verse For Today

But I will sing of your might; I will ring out your love in the morning. For to me you have been a sure refuge, a retreat in the day of my trouble. My strength, I will sing praise to you, for God is my sure retreat, my faithful God.  

Psalm 59:16-17

Bible Verse

For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor archangels, nor the present, nor the future, nor any powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus, our Lord! 

Romans 8:38-39

Today’s Bible Verse

Always be joyful; never cease to pray; under all circumstances give thanks to God. For this is his will for you as made known in Christ Jesus. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Verse For Today

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, ready to forgive one another, just as God, in Christ, forgave you. 

Ephesians 4:32

Encouraging Psalm For Today

I wait alone in silence for God; for from him comes my hope. Yes, he is my rock, my help, my retreat, I shall not be shaken too sorely. On God rests my honor and safety, in God is my strong rock, my refuge.

Psalm 62:5-7

Beautiful Psalm

The Lord is my shepherd: I am never in need. He lays me down in green pastures. He gently leads me to waters of rest, he refreshes my life. He guides me along paths that are straight, true to his name.

Psalm 23:1-3

Today’s Faithful Psalm

But let all who take refuge in you ring out their gladness forever. Protect those who love your name, so they may exult in you. For you give your blessing, Lord, to the godly, and the shield of your favor protects them.

Psalm 5:11-12

Bible Verse For Today

But the fruit produced by the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindliness, generosity, trustfulness, gentleness, self-control. 

Galatians 5:22