Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Professional Organizer's Tips on How to Organize Your Bathroom


The peace of mind that comes with living and working in a serene organized space is priceless. Having your mind free to focus on work, family, new ideas, and the beauty of life will bring much more peace and happiness to you. Becoming organized sounds simple but can be daunting for many people. The key is to break your organizing down into steps and focus on one step at a time.
Sort, Purge, Containerize, Maintain
How Do I Organize My Bathroom?
The bathroom is a room in the house that everyone uses at least once a day. We want this room to be efficient and pleasant to be in. Are you usually rushing in the morning to get ready for work? Do you spend a significant amount of precious time looking for a razor or a particular tube of lipstick? Having an organized bathroom can provide you with time to focus on the more important parts of life.
The first step you want to take when organizing a bathroom is sorting the contents of the bathroom. Here's an example of some possible groups you could use when sorting your bathroom items: cleaning supplies, beauty supplies, first aid, reading materials, and a group for common toiletries like toothpaste and soap. You should sort your belongings into groups that make sense to you. But, try to avoid creating too many highly specific categories. Having too many groups can make it difficult for you to clearly organize your belongings later.
Once you have sorted your belongings into logical groups you then want to go group by group and purge. Throwaway bottles that barely have anything left in them and are just taking up precious space. Have a box for recycling all the reading materials you have already read or do not plan on reading. You should also have a box for items you would like to donate like old hairdryers you no longer use or unopened bottles of lotion or perfume. If you have duplicates of items set them in a labeled separate storage box that you can store in a close by but out of the way location, like a linen closet, so you can have it handy when you need to replenish your bathroom supplies. Storing these extra items in a separate box and location will free up space in your bathroom allowing you to be able to clean it easier and find needed supplies quickly. It's incredible how liberating it is to throw away unneeded supplies that are just weighing you down!
Once you have sorted your bathroom supplies and purged the items you don't need it is time for the satisfying task of finding a home for your items. It's good to keep your grouped items together so you can quickly find anything you're looking for. Try to avoid just sticking bathroom items back into drawers and cabinets after you group them. Plastic bins are great for storing your first aid supplies, medications, and cleaning supplies. If you needed a certain type of medication all you would need to do is pull your medication bin out of the cabinet and all your medications are right in front of you. If you had your medications mixed with all your other bathroom supplies you could spend large amounts of time sifting through the various contents of your bathroom. Small plastic drawers that you can buy at establishments like the Container Store are great for storing small items like hair ties, nail polish, makeup, and other beauty supplies. Stacked storage containers help utilize the space in your bathroom and make it easy to quickly retrieve needed items. A good rule of thumb is to sort and purge your belongings before you purchase new storage containers. You want to be clear about what you actually need before you spend money. You might even already own the appropriate storage containers but are not currently utilizing them. If you want affordable but less sterile looking containers for your bathroom items you will store on your counter tops discount stores like Ross have attractive storage units like wicker baskets, mirrored trays, and stacked wire storage shelves. You want storage items that fit your personal style but are functional as well.
After you sort, purge, and containerize, the next, and ongoing step is to maintain this newfound organized bathroom. The main way to hold onto this organization is to place an item back in its set place immediately after use. Even if you are in a rush you should put your items back in their place. This may require a few extra seconds of your time but will save you a good amount of time and frustration in the future. You should also schedule a monthly date with your bathroom to examine its current organization and make sure it's working for you. Are there certain items that need a new home? Would this item be easier to find if it was placed in a different group? What items can you throw away? This may take 15 to 30 minutes of your time but will raise your chances of maintaining your beautifully organized bathroom!
Using these tips will hopefully help you change your bathroom into a more peaceful 'rest'room!
Bailey Gaddis is a Professional Organizer in Ojai, Ventura County, and Los Angeles county. For more information visit

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