Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Organizing Your Spices - 10 Tips For Choosing the Right Storage


Everyone's needs for spices storage are completely unique. Some people have lots of space, but only have a few spices to store and they don't use them often. Others have limited space, lots of spices, and use some of them all the time and some of them rarely. Often people buy many types of storage before finding the one they really like and use. So, to help you get it right the first time, here are a few things to consider in selecting the right storage to organize your spices.
  1. Is it easy to use? Test it out in the store. Is it easy to open and close? Can you access it with one hand? How many steps does it take to use it?
  2. Will it be easy to clean? Are there lots of nooks and cranny for dirt and grime to settle into? Can you submerse it in water without destroying the contents?
  3. Is it the right size? Will you have to constantly refill containers? if so are they really easy to open, close, and refill?
  4. Is it easy to get the right amount out of the containers? Can you fit your measuring spoon inside? Does it have controls to keep all the contents from accidentally spilling out at once? If this is important to you, today you can even get containers that meter out the right amounts for you! Just dial the amount you want and let it go.
  5. Where in your kitchen do you have space? Don't buy a product unless you KNOW that you have a designated space for it and it will fit. Measure the area you plan to store spices in before you shop.
  6. Will each spice have it's own home so that you will know exactly where to put it when you are done with it? And it will be easy to find?
  7. Count the number of spices you have. Make sure the storage solution you buy will be large enough for all your needs, plus have room to grow. Consider using more than one solution. One to keep handy for everyday cooking, one for infrequent use.
  8. Do you really love the look of it and will you enjoy using it? If you don't really love it, cooking will be less enjoyable for you and you may end up ordering out more often. Cooking at home is the best way to eat healthy and save money. So why not make cooking as easy and enjoyable as you possibly can?
  9. Will it fit with your decor and colors even if you change them? Try to get something neutral enough to fit in with any decor. Having a theme to all your kitchen accessories is a great way to make it easy to redecorate and still have everything fit in. For example, your theme could be white accessories, or chrome or stainless steel. If your items conform to a theme, they tend to look less cluttery when they are out on your counters.
  10. Don't buy an item just because it's a novelty and seems like a cool idea. When you get these impulse buy gadgets home, they often don't fit in and you'll probably end up giving it away anyway.
Thinking through these factors will help you get the right storage the first time. But just in case, whatever you buy, make sure it's returnable. Even the best shoppers sometimes get something home and find it just doesn't work.
Would you like to simplify your life and get more organized? Ariane Benefit is a Life Coach, ADD Coach, organizing expert, author and coach who has been quoted in Psychology Today, the Wall Street Journal, and more. Visit her popular Neat & Simple Living Blog at Ariane has over 25 years experience helping businesses and individuals get the results they want. Take a peek inside her book, Neat & Simple Guide to Organizing Your Office at

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