Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Focus on Simplifying


"Simplifying is the perfect antidote for a stressful life"
~Connie Cox and Chris Evatt
30 Days to a Simpler Life
I'm a huge advocate of simplifying your life (which has a major impact on your career as well).
Simplifying means different things to different people... for some it means selling everything and moving to the woods. For others, it means making minor or major lifestyle changes.
For everyone who chooses to simplify, it means taking a good, hard look at how you're living your life and what you're allowing to take up your time and energy.
I've seen dramatic benefits in my own life and the lives of my clients through simple simplifying, automating, deleting and de-cluttering the excess.
What are the benefits to simplifying? It is having more time and fewer demands. Often, in the busyness of life, we let treasured passions and interests lapse into dormancy in our life. When we simplify, more of our true loves can be expressed.
- Helps you stay organized
- Gives you the freedom to spend your time/money/energy on things you really want
- Saves time from doing what you don't want
- Saves money
- Creates a more peaceful life/reduces stress
- Is energy efficient and friendly to the environment
Simplifying is not something you can complete over a weekend.
It takes some time, because as you go, you will continue to find more things that you can simplify. Simplifying is amazing, because it is the ONE project in your life that never gets done, but you don't seem to mind. There is always something else to throw out, or delete from your life, automate or delegate.
Simplicity Questionnaire:
  • How many hours of television do you watch per week?
  • How many magazines do you read regularly? How many organizations do you belong to?
  • How often do you take time for yourself?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • How many pairs of shoes do you own?
  • Do you know what the 4 most important values are in your life?
  • Do you have a storage unit separate from your home, where you're keeping things you don't have room for?
  • Do you have a garage, but your cars sit in the driveway because the garage is full of stuff?
  • What are your top 5 favorite activities? Do you do them every week?
  • Etc.?
Does this questionnaire give you some ideas?
Start asking yourself what simplifying might mean to you. Do you want to make major changes, or are some minor changes enough for you to see huge benefits? Leave your ideas and the changes you would like to make to simplify your life further in the comments below - I'd love to see them and maybe even give you some helpful suggestions!
Erica Duran, CPO, is a published Productivity Expert/Coach, Web Designer & Certified Professional Organizer. She has been an entrepreneur and consultant for over 20 years.
Erica works with new entrepreneurs who are just starting their business and have a ton of questions! She also works with those who have been in business for years but long to be more productive, organized, and "get their life back" by doing what they love and make a profit at it.
If you've liked this article, you'll love Erica's dynamic courses and programs to help you get productive, organized, & profitable and stay that way.
Learn more and claim your FREE gifts at http://www.EricaDuran.Co

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