Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ask a Professional Organizer: "How Can I Keep Up With All My Treasured Magazines?"


This is a question I receive often from clients all over the world. They ask something like "I LOVE magazines and have about 10 subscriptions that come in every month. But, my business is growing and I don't have time to read them all. I am having trouble letting them go because I truly enjoy some of the articles and photos in them. What is a good compromise or process for dealing with all this info"?
The following are a few simple strategies that I share with my clients that have this delima. Magazines used to be a tough clutter issue for myself so I know exactly what they are tourtered with. This was especially an issue when I wanted to focus on my business more. I kept thinking to myself that some of those articles I could really learn from. And, some were just a fun escape. Here are some of the rules and limits I put on myself and suggest to clients everyday about their piles of magazines.
1. Only keep the current 6 months or so. Keeping old magazines around just makes you feel like there is one more thing that you aren't doing or getting to.
2. If you must keep older magazines - go through the table of contents in the front. Decide which articles you want to keep to read. Cut them out and put them in a basket, box, or your handbag so you can read them while you are waiting for appointments or you kid's soccer games, etc. Most of the magazines are ads and just taking the articles you want out will save so much space and "weight" in your home of that "one more thing to get to one day" feeling.
3. Most articles or information can be accessed digitally nowadays. You don't have to feel like you can't ever get the information back. If you have an iPad or Kindle - sign up for the electronic version of you magazines - often the electronic versions free to their paper subscribers. Some are even key-word searchable.
4. Limit the amount of magazines you subscribe to. Once a year re-evaluate all the magazines you subscribe to. Have you outgrown or moved on from the subject matter? When you open your mail box and see it does it bring joy or guilt? Magazines you purchase are supposed to bring knowledge, inspiration, and joy NOT guilt!
5. When you've decided on which ones stay and go - pass them on or toss them. There are all kinds of places that would like donated magazines: schools, hospitals, etc. or just recycle them. If there is an article I REALLY want to save I scan it to my computer to avoid the paper clutter and so it is searchable with a touch of a button.
The truth is it all comes down to sometimes making hard decisions and taking your business seriously. Revisit why you want to focus more on your business. Is it to have a secure retirement? A vacation? Time with your kids why they are young? Freedom to come and go as you please? After thinking about your "why" the magazines won't seem as important anymore.
Erica Duran is a Certified Professional Organizer® and Productivity Coach. At Erica Duran International, she provides both virtual and in-person coaching around the globe through her programs, courses, and products. Learn more at http://www.EricaDuran.Co Have a question for Erica? Send her your question about productivity and organizing. You (and even a link your business) may be featured here in an upcoming issue of "Transforming Lifestyles E-zine"

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