Showing posts with label learn how to organize your house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learn how to organize your house. Show all posts

Sunday, November 6, 2022

My Organize Your House Planner

really enjoy writing about home organizing and also my faith. Today I wanted to mention a book that I published a little while ago. My book includes cleaning and organizing tips for the following areas of your home: entryway, kitchen, dining room, living/family room, bedroom, closets, bathroom, laundry room, basement and garage. The book includes helpful motivation for decluttering projects and organizing goals. You can also write your own lists of individualized chores/tasks. This title is available on the Bookemon site or at Amazon. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tips for Differing Standards of Tidiness within a Household

Family life and having roommates are both rewarding, but each can also be a challenge at times. One of these times is when you are trying to find a balance between keeping everyone happy in areas where they differ.

When some members of your household are neat freaks, and others are more suited to audition for a hoarding television show, it is not an easy task for everyone to live together. Here are some tips on how your household members of various levels of organization can dwell peacefully together.

Have a Group Meeting

The most important tip on how to negotiate this dilemma is to keep your lines of communication open. Hold regular meetings to discuss the issue. Make it a time where everyone can input and try to keep it light-hearted and as fun as possible.

Decide on Common Goals

Although some family members or roommates may be drastically more or less comfortable with disorganization than others, there are sure to be some common goals you can all agree on. Some of these might be to have a regular group clean-up time, or to keep the living room clean since this is where your visitors spend most of their time when they are over. Choose deadlines that everyone can agree on, and talk about a minimum level of cleanliness that everyone agrees is important.

Decide on a Reasonable Compromise

Perhaps the messiest individual of the group simply may not be able to stay consistently organized, nor leave things spotless all the time. Maybe as a group you could choose certain rooms that need to be tidy, and others that are not so important.

Bedrooms are generally an area where organization can be left to one’s personal choice. This way, if someone has items that need to be put away but they don’t have time to do so immediately when they return home, they know that they can put the bags in their own room or another appointed "messy zone" until they have the time for it.

Make other compromises such as letting family members or roommates switch their cleaning duties with someone else if they are running late from work or have an especially busy day ahead of them.

Let Each Person’s Strength Be Highlighted

No two people are alike, even in the same family. Everyone has different strengths, and this can be capitalized on when you are creating your cleaning schedule. Perhaps one of the household members loves cleaning the kitchen after supper, while another prefers more time-consuming but less frequent tasks such as vacuuming. Create the schedule to cater to everyone’s likes, dislikes and natural abilities.

It can be a challenge to live with someone who is at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to household organization, but there is no need to let it destroy your relationships or living arrangements. Stay focused on what you love about each of your roommates, whether it be family or friends. Appreciation for each other and a commitment to working together will help you to live in harmony while taking responsibility together for the home you live in.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Lesson One: ORGANIZING and Simplifying Your Home and Your Life FREE Mini Course

Many Helpful Tips For Overcoming BEING DIS-ORGANIZED! Lots of Practical Advice for De-cluttered Spaces and Organized Daily Living!


 Getting Started – Taking a step closer to BEING AND LIVING ORGANIZED!

Is the clutter in your life getting out of control? Do you live in a constant state of chaos? Do you spend half of your day searching for things? Are you exhausted from constantly looking for things, losing keys, vital documents and valuables, living out of piles, often running late resulting in embarrassment, guilt, low self-esteem, despair and even depression? Do you feel that your life will be so much better if only you had the ability to be and live organized? You have tried, right? You have honestly tried your utmost, many times, for so long…. You’ve read many books on the subject, but somehow life and stuff just seem to keep on getting out of control and when you can least afford it, the domino effect hits home. You spent lots of money on shelves, dividers, bins and containers that were supposed to bring order into your chaos. You have given up so many hours honestly trying to bring method in the madness, but unfortunately those little victories didn’t last long before being swept up by the overwhelming torrent of stuff …and more stuff … Within days of all of that work, your house was back to looking like a tornado went through it!

Maybe you started to believe that organizing must be a mysterious talent that only a few privileged people get born with, and the unlucky rest of us will inevitably keep suffering for our lack of giftedness in that area. But there is hope to get out of your maze … even for the most notoriously disorganized person! You can turn yourself around!  We can learn to be smart and outsmart our messy problem! You can tackle this and achieve success! Start with something small and manageable that won’t take too long and persistently keep at it till it is completed. This will build your confidence to succeed at larger projects in time and help you to understand the basic concepts of organizing so you can grow from there on.

Organizing is not all about throwing things out, but about identifying what is important to you, prioritizing and getting access to what you need when you need it. You can avoid wasting precious time and energy looking for things you know you have, but can’t find when you need to, ending up buying those again and wasting money in the process. In stead we can learn how to un-clutter the clutter, how to stop cupboards from spewing out their contents when opening the door and overflowing drawers to get stuck. Clutter control is the answer.

Organizing can be immensely gratifying in this changing world with its increasing demands. It is not for the faint hearted though, since it sometimes will require courage, lots of persistence, self-discipline and self-control. It will invariably result in a character building exercise in most areas of your life. Organizing is not a talent… is a skill, a remarkably simple skill that anyone can learn! All that you need is the willingness and the “want to” to learn a completely new approach to the organizing process, a change of heart, a change in the way you think about it. Developing an understanding of what’s been holding you back in all your past efforts, causing you untold psychological suffering. There are very specific skills, techniques and tools that you need to learn that will make organizing manageable, tolerable, and attainable and…even fun, especially in hindsight when you will be reaping all the benefits! Just think of the sense of achievement you will enjoy when you have acquired these new and sustainable skills that will put YOU in control of the clutter, instead of feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and hopeless! You are about to discover how gratifying and fulfilling organizing can be. You can be more successful than you ever dared to imagine! Just organizing a small project can be so incredibly liberating and a huge achievement for a person that have been struggling with this problem for years. You can empower yourself to overcome your messy problem!  


For the overwhelmed amongst you, a ray of light: you need not drown in a sea of chaos at home, nor are you doomed to live your life confronted by constant situations that are out of control. You are capable of restoring order in your life, how complex things may seem. You have a powerful innate and instinctive ability to organize, but it may have been incapacitated by factors like psychological causes from your childhood, or you have given up the daily struggle and got swamped and overwhelmed by stuff and more stuff… Organizing is much more than just throwing the clutter out. It is about establishing new and invigorating environments that will inspire you to unleash your creative thinking. It will give you a sense of your own personal power and develop the sweetest sense of achievement that will motivate you to no end in reaching for more than you ever thought you were capable of. Best of all, it will free you to pursue the higher goals, dreams and ideals you have in life. You will have so much more time than you ever thought possible by living the life you thought could only be a dream… your spirit will soar free instead of being chained to the grinding despair of constantly drowning in oceans of clutter!