Showing posts with label tidy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tidy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Ideas For A Weekly Cleaning Schedule For Each Room In Your House To Keep Everything Tidy

Here is an example of a weekly home cleaning schedule for each room in the house:


  • Kitchen: Wipe down counters, clean sink, sweep and mop floor
  • Living room: Dust surfaces, vacuum furniture and floors


  • Bedrooms: Change bed linens, vacuum or sweep floors, put away clothes
  • Bathrooms: Clean the toilet, shower, and sink, sweep and mop floor


  • Laundry: Wash, dry, and fold laundry
  • Office: File papers and tidy desk


  • Dining room: Wipe down table and chairs, sweep or vacuum floor
  • Hallway: Vacuum or sweep floor, clean mirrors and light fixtures


  • General cleaning: Wipe down baseboards, doors, and windowsills, clean windows
  • Declutter: Go through and get rid of any items that are no longer needed

This is just one example of a weekly cleaning schedule, and you can adjust it to fit your needs and schedule. You may also want to add additional tasks on a monthly or quarterly basis. The important thing is to find a schedule that works for you and stick to it as much as possible to keep your home clean and organized.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Cleaning and Organizing the Inside of Your Kitchen Cabinets

Cleaning out and organizing your kitchen cabinets can be a big task, but it's a great way to make your kitchen more functional and efficient. Here are some helpful steps for thoroughly cleaning and organizing your kitchen cabinets:

  1. Remove everything from the cabinets: Take out all of the items from the cabinets, including dishes, glasses, food storage containers, baking equipment, pots and pans, and any other items that are stored in the cabinets.
  2. Discard any items that are damaged or no longer needed: As you remove items from the cabinets, be sure to safely throw away any items that are broken or that you no longer use.
  3. Wipe down the inside of the cabinets: Use a mixture of warm water and dish soap, if appropriate, to wipe down the inside of the cabinets. Be sure to get into the corners and along the edges.
  4. Sort items by type: As you put items back in the cabinets, try to group similar items together. For example, you could keep all of your baking equipment in one cabinet and all of your pots and pans in another.
  5. Use bins or organizers: Consider using bins or organizers to keep items organized and easy to find. This can be especially helpful for smaller items, like bags of tea or packets of hot chocolate mix.

By following these steps, you can thoroughly clean and organize your kitchen cabinets, making it easier to find what you need and keeping your kitchen running smoothly.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Tips For Organizing Your Dining Room

I make sure that mail, handbags, car keys, bags of groceries from the store, school books and homework papers, book packs, bills and coupons for the grocery store do not pile up on my kitchen or dining room table.

I clear the dinner table right after the meal and do the dishes.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Dining Room

Dust dining room furniture

Keep dining room table free of excess clutter

Wipe dining room table 

Vacuum floor  

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tips For Organizing Your Living/Family Room


I cut out my favorite magazine articles and organize them in plastic sheet protectors in one individual binder instead of keeping every magazine.

I keep my office desk drawers organized with "like" items together.

I routinely sort through my books/magazines and donate some when I am done reading them, so they don't accumulate and take up too much space.

I try to organize a multifunctional room into specific zones such as a television area, office area, or reading area.  

A Tip For Staying Positive About Your Organizing Projects

I stay positive and focused on my daily organizing goals even if I have a day with many unexpected interruptions.  

Tips For Cleaning Your Living/Family Room

Dust furniture and shelves

Vacuum floor

Tidy up coffee table

Put out-of-place items away in their designated places

Tidy up any items on side tables

Dust decorative items

Fold any throws/blankets  

Tip For Decluttering Your House

Buying all types of storage containers and moving items to different parts of the house for storage isn't as productive as decluttering a house.  

Saving Time With Your Chores

I may save valuable time in the future while doing my daily household chores once my home is uncluttered and organized.  

Declutter Tip

I should have more time to take good care of myself and concentrate on a healthy environment and lifestyle when my house is organized and uncluttered.  

Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

I do a visual inventory of the food in my refrigerator before I go grocery shopping, so I am less likely to buy unnecessary duplicate items.

I keep kitchen items that I use on a daily basis in safe areas that are very easy for me to reach.

I categorize "like" items together when I clean my pantry.

I routinely check for any food items in my refrigerator with expired dates and I properly discard them.

I keep the fruit and vegetable bins in my refrigerator clean and organized.

While organizing my kitchen cabinets, I safely place similar items together on the shelves: dishes, pots/pans, storage containers. 

If I need to buy a lot of groceries, I try to clean out my refrigerator before I go to the store with my shopping list.

I keep my freezer organized and I also keep a current list of the meats and frozen food in the freezer, along with the dates.

When I clean my pantry closet, I discard any items with expired dates. I organize products according to specific categories.

I keep my silverware drawer in the kitchen or dining room organized and clean. 

When organizing cabinets, I try to place the most frequently used items where I can easily and safely access them quickly.

A clutter situation can interfere with the function of a room such as a kitchen table cluttered with bills, school work and coupons. There is no room to eat a meal.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Kitchen Cleaning

Wash dishes

Load dishwasher

Scrub kitchen sink

Wipe countertops

Take out garbage

Wipe outside of cabinets 

Organize inside of cabinets

Sweep the floor 

Check for outdated food in refrigerator 

Check for outdated food in pantry

Put out clean dish towels

Clean wastebasket    

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Daily Cleaning and Organizing Tips

Write a "To Do" list every evening for the tasks you want to accomplish for the next day.

I will quickly tidy up in the evening, especially if any family members have snacks before bedtime.

I make my bed everyday and keep my bedroom tidy.

I check the mail when it arrives, instead of letting it pile up.

I try to clean up as I go along when I am doing my daily meal preparation for my family.

I routinely try to keep flat surfaces and countertops in my home free of clutter.   

Home Organizing Tip For Today

Having too much clutter in the home can take up too much space, time and energy to keep all of the items maintained and in order. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How To Begin The Process Of Decluttering Your House

First, take a good look around your home. Find out the things that you and your family have been storing for quite awhile. You might find a number of things scattered or stored here and there that you forgot you even owned. The picture often times results in a cluttered house. Check out the list below of why you may decide to donate or sell some items as part of your overall decluttering plan.

It is the wrong color or wrong size 

It has been outgrown either physically or emotionally 

It is not flattering 

It is outdated 

It is damaged or broken 

It is never used 

It has no useful purpose 

It is too good or nice to use

It was a gift, but you may not have a use for it

You may want to have a donate box/bag where you can store things that you do not use anymore and decide if you definitely want to part with those items. This way you may be relieved of the accumulated pile of clothes that you don’t actually wear. Most importantly, you will also contribute to the charity for those who do need these unused things. You will feel good.

Also, you can begin to make a good routine habit of just using fifteen minutes each day to tidy up the arrangements of your desk, shelf, tabletops, and countertops. Hopefully, you will enjoy starting on your journey of living an organized lifestyle, along with a feeling of peaceful calm that we need the most in our increasingly stressful lives. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Reduce the Stress

Every one of us can use a little less stress in our lives.  So often we try to follow the super-human scenario of trying to be all things to all people, all of the time.  What may happen is that we can become burned out both emotionally and physically. This doesn't have to be the case. Grab a lot of index cards and write a specific goal on each--anything you think of that you want to do. Arrange the cards so that the goals you MOST want to attain are on top, and the less essential goals go behind. Then, write deadlines on each of your top three cards, break each goal down into mini-goals, and schedule time to achieve each of them.

Clean a bit each day. Obtain some index cards and write a cleaning task down on each. Place all of your cards in a box, and draw one each day--that's your cleaning task. Be sure to include some FREE DAY cards in your box. If you draw one of them, you don't have to do any cleaning for the day. 

There are very few things you can do that will only take 5 minutes or less to complete. For example, you may think it takes 5 minutes to check your e-mail, but very often, it takes 15 minutes or more. 

Individual Tasks To Complete If You Have Ten Minutes:

Set a timer for ten minutes, open the junk drawer, sort through anything no longer needed and organize the rest.

Go through your clothes closet and check for any articles of clothing you never wear. Put them in a donation bag to be given to your favorite charity, or sell them.

Walk around your home for ten minutes with a basket or have your kids do this) and put any stray toys into the basket. Tomorrow, make your 10-minute organizing project to put all the toys back in their proper place.

Write out some of your birthday, anniversary and other greeting cards for one month in advance.

Whether you've been meaning to make an appointment with a doctor, your accountant, a repairman or a friend, take 10 minutes at this moment to do so.

Whether the surface is a table, a dresser, a desk or an ottoman, remove any clutter so you can actually see the surface again. File any papers needing filing, return any stray items to their rightful homes and toss any junk.

How to Keep Your Home Free of Clutter in the Future

Decluttering is a little like losing weight. No matter how well you deal with your problem in the beginning, it will keep coming back unless you understand the concept of maintenance. If you have gone to the bother of decluttering your home and making it more minimalist and free of mess, here are some tips on how to keep it that way. 

Regular Maintenance

This step refers to simply keeping things the way they are by possibly selling or donating certain items when you realize you don’t need them, instead of stashing them in a pile that needs to be sorted over and over. You can read your mail and make a habit of appropriately dealing with it. There is no excuse for papers to be lying all over the floor or dining room table.

When you buy something from the store, put it where it is going to be kept immediately instead of setting bags on the floor and table. After the laundry comes out of the dryer, fold it and put it away immediately in the proper rooms and drawers. When you have five spare minutes, use it to tidy and clean up anything lying around. This is how you can keep huge messes from forming again.

Declutter Regularly

In addition to your regular maintenance, it is important to declutter on a regular basis. You can decide to have a serious decluttering day every three months, every six months, or just whenever your home starts looking cluttered. Make it a serious appointment and tidy your home from top to bottom, giving yourself another clean slate to work with.

Stop Buying Unnecessary Things

One of the biggest ways you can stop clutter in its tracks is to stop buying unnecessary things. By only allowing what you need to enter your home, you will cut down on the number of items you need to clear out later. Before you buy an item, think about whether you really need it, or if it is something you will regret at a later point in time.

Get Everyone on Board

You can’t conquer clutter alone, unless you live alone. If you are part of a family who lives together, or have roommates of any kind, you will need to make everyone a part of the decluttering team. Talk to everyone about your wishes to maintain a clutter-free haven, and talk about the many benefits of living in a more minimalist way than you have been. Let the other household members know that everyone’s efforts will benefit everyone else, and that you expect cooperation and teamwork.

Decluttering is only half of the solution. In order to maintain a beautiful home, you will need to take steps to keep it that way after the original clean sweep. Use these tips to keep your home free of clutter for years to come.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Prioritize Your Declutter Project - One Area at a Time

If you have not decluttered recently nor maintained since your last purge, it can be quite a task to get things back under control. Thankfully, there are many ways to go about this while keeping your sanity. By organizing and decluttering one section of your home at a time, you can tidy up in a manageable way. Here is how to do it.

Prioritize Areas

First, sit down with a notebook and divide your home into rooms. Include non-rooms such as hallways and the entryway. Decide which room will be your first priority, then your second, then your third, etc.

If your children always have friends over, your living room might be first priority. If you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way as long as you have a clutter-free place to relax every night, then your bedroom might take first place instead.

Choose Area Size According to Available Time

Decide how much time each day you can devote to the task of decluttering. If you have entire days to spare, you might be able to take on a room per day. If you are like most people and have several responsibilities to juggle, then it might be more reasonable to tackle small areas within a room.

Break Down Each Area into Sections

After you have decided how much space you are likely to be able to clean each day, break each room down into areas such as closet, desk, floor, etc. Make the sections small enough that you can complete your task in one day. Whether it gets accomplished in twenty minutes or four hours, you will feel satisfied that you have finished the task you assigned to yourself.

Enlist Some Help from Family and Friends

Ask an especially organized family member to help you, or arrange for a decluttering swap with a good friend. Involve them in the planning process, and of course when it comes to the actual physical labor as well. Make it fun, and order pizza for everyone afterward. Most friends are happy to help out when asked, and you can always return the favor in the future.

Be Realistic and Flexible

We can set goals, but sometimes life gets in the way. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach your goal one day, or if you have to reschedule due to life events. Even if it takes longer than planned, your decluttering will eventually come to an end if you stay consistent and stick to it. If you miss one day, simply get back to it the next.

Set a reminder in your smartphone, or find another way to get into the decluttering groove without forgetting about it. Be flexible about your schedule if for some reason you should need one room to be decluttered sooner than originally planned, even if it means putting off another room. As long as you are doing something almost every day, you are headed in the right direction.

Decluttering takes organization. Prioritizing your task means that you will be able to get everything done in a timely fashion. Use these ideas and get on your way to an organized decluttering spree today.

How to Keep Your Home Free of Clutter in the New Year

Decluttering is a little like losing weight. No matter how well you deal with your problem in the beginning, it will keep coming back unless you understand the concept of maintenance.

If you have gone to the bother of decluttering your home and making it more minimalist and free of mess, here are some tips on how to keep it that way so that you never have to have another moment of panic.

Regular Maintenance

This step refers to simply keeping things the way they are by tossing junk when you realize you don’t need it, instead of stashing it in a pile that needs to be sorted over and over. Read your mail and immediately toss it, shred it, or deal with it and then put it into your file cabinet. There is no excuse for papers to be lying all over the floor, making it impossible to find them when you actually need them.

When you buy something from the store, put it where it is going to be kept immediately instead of setting bags on the floor and table. After the laundry comes out of the dryer, fold it and put it away immediately in the proper rooms and drawers. When you have five spare minutes, use it to tidy and clean up anything lying around. This is how you keep any huge messes from forming again.

Declutter Regularly

In addition to your regular maintenance, it is important to declutter on a regular basis. You can decide to have a serious decluttering day every three months, every six months, or just whenever your home starts looking like a junk yard. Make it a serious appointment and tidy your home from top to bottom, giving yourself another clean slate to work with.

Stop Buying Unnecessary Things

One of the biggest ways you can stop clutter in its tracks is to stop buying unnecessary things. By only allowing what you need to enter your home, you will cut down on the number of items you need to clear out later. Before you buy an item, think about whether you really need it, or if it is something you will regret at a later point in time.

Get Everyone on Board

You can’t conquer clutter alone, unless you live alone. If you are part of a family who lives together, or have roommates of any kind, you will need to make everyone a part of the decluttering team. Talk to everyone about your wishes to maintain a junk-free haven, and talk about the many benefits of living in a more minimalist way than you have been. Let the other household members know that everyone’s efforts will benefit everyone else, and that you expect cooperation and teamwork.

Decluttering is only half of the solution. In order to maintain a beautiful home, you will need to take steps to keep it that way after the original clean sweep. Use these tips to keep your home free of clutter for years to come.