Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

I do a visual inventory of the food in my refrigerator before I go grocery shopping, so I am less likely to buy unnecessary duplicate items.

I keep kitchen items that I use on a daily basis in safe areas that are very easy for me to reach.

I categorize "like" items together when I clean my pantry.

I routinely check for any food items in my refrigerator with expired dates and I properly discard them.

I keep the fruit and vegetable bins in my refrigerator clean and organized.

While organizing my kitchen cabinets, I safely place similar items together on the shelves: dishes, pots/pans, storage containers. 

If I need to buy a lot of groceries, I try to clean out my refrigerator before I go to the store with my shopping list.

I keep my freezer organized and I also keep a current list of the meats and frozen food in the freezer, along with the dates.

When I clean my pantry closet, I discard any items with expired dates. I organize products according to specific categories.

I keep my silverware drawer in the kitchen or dining room organized and clean. 

When organizing cabinets, I try to place the most frequently used items where I can easily and safely access them quickly.

A clutter situation can interfere with the function of a room such as a kitchen table cluttered with bills, school work and coupons. There is no room to eat a meal.