Thursday, June 2, 2022

Reduce the Stress

Every one of us can use a little less stress in our lives.  So often we try to follow the super-human scenario of trying to be all things to all people, all of the time.  What may happen is that we can become burned out both emotionally and physically. This doesn't have to be the case. Grab a lot of index cards and write a specific goal on each--anything you think of that you want to do. Arrange the cards so that the goals you MOST want to attain are on top, and the less essential goals go behind. Then, write deadlines on each of your top three cards, break each goal down into mini-goals, and schedule time to achieve each of them.

Clean a bit each day. Obtain some index cards and write a cleaning task down on each. Place all of your cards in a box, and draw one each day--that's your cleaning task. Be sure to include some FREE DAY cards in your box. If you draw one of them, you don't have to do any cleaning for the day. 

There are very few things you can do that will only take 5 minutes or less to complete. For example, you may think it takes 5 minutes to check your e-mail, but very often, it takes 15 minutes or more. 

Individual Tasks To Complete If You Have Ten Minutes:

Set a timer for ten minutes, open the junk drawer, sort through anything no longer needed and organize the rest.

Go through your clothes closet and check for any articles of clothing you never wear. Put them in a donation bag to be given to your favorite charity, or sell them.

Walk around your home for ten minutes with a basket or have your kids do this) and put any stray toys into the basket. Tomorrow, make your 10-minute organizing project to put all the toys back in their proper place.

Write out some of your birthday, anniversary and other greeting cards for one month in advance.

Whether you've been meaning to make an appointment with a doctor, your accountant, a repairman or a friend, take 10 minutes at this moment to do so.

Whether the surface is a table, a dresser, a desk or an ottoman, remove any clutter so you can actually see the surface again. File any papers needing filing, return any stray items to their rightful homes and toss any junk.