Showing posts with label donate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donate. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

Tips To Help You Determine Which Household Items You May Want To Donate

Here are some tips for determining what household items to donate:

1. Consider whether you have used the item in the past year: If you haven't used an item in the past year, chances are you don't really need it.

2. Think about whether the item is in good condition: Donate items that are in good condition and can be used by someone else.

3. Consider whether you have duplicates: If you have more than one of an item, such as multiple coffee makers, consider donating one of them.

4. Think about whether you have the space for the item: If you don't have enough space for an item, or if it is taking up valuable storage space, consider donating it.

5. Consider whether the item has sentimental value: If an item holds sentimental value for you, you may want to keep it, even if you don't use it regularly.

By following these tips, you can determine which household items you can donate and make space in your home for the things that are most important to you. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

How To Find Out Where To Donate Any Items That You No Longer Want Anymore After Decluttering Your House

  1. Research local charities: Many charities in your area will accept donations of gently used items. Look up charities that align with your interests and see what types of donations they accept.
  2. Check with local churches and community centers: Many churches and community centers run thrift stores or have donation programs.
  3. Contact local shelters: Shelters for women, children, and families often need donations of clothing, household items, and furniture.
  4. Look into donation pickup services: Some organizations offer pickup services for large donations, such as furniture or household items.
  5. Check with schools and libraries: Schools and libraries may be in need of books, educational materials, and equipment.
  6. Use online donation platforms: There are several online platforms that allow you to find local organizations that accept donations, such as or
  7. Look for donation bins: Many retail stores have donation bins outside for gently used clothing, shoes and household items.
  8. Visit local consignment shops or second-hand stores: If you have items that are in good condition, you can also consider taking them to a consignment shop or second-hand store, which will either buy the items outright or sell them on consignment and give you a percentage of the sale.

It's always a good idea to call or check the website of the organizations you're interested in donating to, to confirm what items they accept and their donation policies. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How To Begin The Process Of Decluttering Your House

First, take a good look around your home. Find out the things that you and your family have been storing for quite awhile. You might find a number of things scattered or stored here and there that you forgot you even owned. The picture often times results in a cluttered house. Check out the list below of why you may decide to donate or sell some items as part of your overall decluttering plan.

It is the wrong color or wrong size 

It has been outgrown either physically or emotionally 

It is not flattering 

It is outdated 

It is damaged or broken 

It is never used 

It has no useful purpose 

It is too good or nice to use

It was a gift, but you may not have a use for it

You may want to have a donate box/bag where you can store things that you do not use anymore and decide if you definitely want to part with those items. This way you may be relieved of the accumulated pile of clothes that you don’t actually wear. Most importantly, you will also contribute to the charity for those who do need these unused things. You will feel good.

Also, you can begin to make a good routine habit of just using fifteen minutes each day to tidy up the arrangements of your desk, shelf, tabletops, and countertops. Hopefully, you will enjoy starting on your journey of living an organized lifestyle, along with a feeling of peaceful calm that we need the most in our increasingly stressful lives. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Decluttering and Organizing Your Clothing

When it comes to clothing, most of us have far more than we really need. If you take a good, honest look through your closet, you will find that you have much more than you use. In fact, most people wear only a small percentage of their clothing over and over, and neglect the rest.

Why You Should Declutter Clothing

Having too much of anything takes up not only physical space in your home, but mental space as well. When you are looking for something to wear, having too much clothing makes you feel like you are searching through endless piles of stuff and yet still cannot find something suitable. When you declutter, you will be able to quickly find outfits that you love. This will save you time, and keep your stress levels low.

How Does It Make You Feel and Look?

As you are sorting through your clothing, think about how the item makes you feel. Do you look at it and feel excited to wear it? When it is on your body, does it make you feel and appear attractive and ready to take on the world?

Clothing is much more than a cover. It is a part of who you are, and how you feel in it is the image of yourself that you are presenting to the world. You may decide to keep only the clothing that makes you feel confident, and causes you to be proud of who you are.

Are You Keeping It Out of Obligation?

Many of us are harbouring clothing out of guilt, given to us by well-meaning friends and family. Unless someone knows your taste 100% of the time, clothing generally does not make an appropriate gift. Too often we are given an item and then feel stuck with it for an undisclosed amount of time, and we never quite feel right getting rid of it.

Have You Worn It in the Past Year?

A rule of thumb is that anything not worn in the past year or more, you may possibly decide to sell or donate. The reason for the rule of a year is because certain items of clothing and accessories have particular yearly events that they are appropriate for, and you will likely want to keep some of those special items.

Also, many locations have seasons that are very distinct in temperature. You will have clothing that you don’t ever wear in summer, but faithfully make use of every winter… or vice versa. If you didn’t wear it in the past year’s appropriate season, it may be likely that this item is no longer needed, or that it no longer flatters who you have become.

Once you have made choices about what to get rid of, you may decide to discard any damaged items, sell a few select items and donate the rest to those in need. Organize what is left, and you will see what a difference it makes in your life when you have in your closet only what you need and love wearing. Enjoy your new organized closet and never search for hours for a lost item again.