Showing posts with label organized house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organized house. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2023

Ideas For Having A Serene Home Environment


There are several ways you can create a more serene environment in your home:

  1. Declutter: Get rid of any items you no longer need or use, as a cluttered space can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed.
  2. Add plants: Plants have been shown to have a calming effect and can improve air quality.
  3. Use calming colors: Soft, neutral colors such as blue, green, and white can create a sense of calmness.
  4. Incorporate natural materials: Wood, stone, and other natural materials can bring a sense of tranquility to your space.
  5. Use soft lighting: Bright overhead lighting can be harsh and create a sense of tension. Instead, use soft lamps or dimmable lights to create a more soothing atmosphere.
  6. Incorporate textures: Use different textures such as fluffy rugs, soft cushions, or woven blankets to create a warm and inviting space.
  7. Incorporate water feature: Add a water feature like a fountain or aquarium can add a calming effect and help to drown out background noise.

Remember that everyone has different preferences, so what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different elements and find the right combination that makes you feel the most calm and serene.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tips for Differing Standards of Tidiness within a Household

Family life and having roommates are both rewarding, but each can also be a challenge at times. One of these times is when you are trying to find a balance between keeping everyone happy in areas where they differ.

When some members of your household are neat freaks, and others are more suited to audition for a hoarding television show, it is not an easy task for everyone to live together. Here are some tips on how your household members of various levels of organization can dwell peacefully together.

Have a Group Meeting

The most important tip on how to negotiate this dilemma is to keep your lines of communication open. Hold regular meetings to discuss the issue. Make it a time where everyone can input and try to keep it light-hearted and as fun as possible.

Decide on Common Goals

Although some family members or roommates may be drastically more or less comfortable with disorganization than others, there are sure to be some common goals you can all agree on. Some of these might be to have a regular group clean-up time, or to keep the living room clean since this is where your visitors spend most of their time when they are over. Choose deadlines that everyone can agree on, and talk about a minimum level of cleanliness that everyone agrees is important.

Decide on a Reasonable Compromise

Perhaps the messiest individual of the group simply may not be able to stay consistently organized, nor leave things spotless all the time. Maybe as a group you could choose certain rooms that need to be tidy, and others that are not so important.

Bedrooms are generally an area where organization can be left to one’s personal choice. This way, if someone has items that need to be put away but they don’t have time to do so immediately when they return home, they know that they can put the bags in their own room or another appointed "messy zone" until they have the time for it.

Make other compromises such as letting family members or roommates switch their cleaning duties with someone else if they are running late from work or have an especially busy day ahead of them.

Let Each Person’s Strength Be Highlighted

No two people are alike, even in the same family. Everyone has different strengths, and this can be capitalized on when you are creating your cleaning schedule. Perhaps one of the household members loves cleaning the kitchen after supper, while another prefers more time-consuming but less frequent tasks such as vacuuming. Create the schedule to cater to everyone’s likes, dislikes and natural abilities.

It can be a challenge to live with someone who is at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to household organization, but there is no need to let it destroy your relationships or living arrangements. Stay focused on what you love about each of your roommates, whether it be family or friends. Appreciation for each other and a commitment to working together will help you to live in harmony while taking responsibility together for the home you live in.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organize Life | 7 Step Professional Organizers Formula

How important is it to organize life?

Everything in our life comes from how we organize it, right?

When everything is organized we can do more, achieve more, become more, and enjoy everything more too, can't we? Can't you?

Are you Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Dissatisfied? Life throws a lot at you. How are you managing it all until now?

Those who organize life will excel far beyond those that don't because Life Organization is the biggest frontier of development opening up this decade.

Are you ready for that? But what is it exactly that you are searching the net for regarding how to organize life? What does it really mean to organize life?

Do you want a solid grand system to totally organize life? Do you want some temporary techniques to apply now? Would you like permanent principles for how to organize your entire life?

To organize life you will capture every worth while thought to efficiently choose your actions for all that is important to you, without wasting time or losing time, and allowing you to succeed at whatever you desire.

At times we get off track, whether practically, or with our efficiency, or emotionally.

At those times, I do a 10 Minute Get-on-track review. Essentially it is about writing down things weighing on my mind.

I use the following categories of self-questions to help me do my organize life 10 minute focus sessions.

Organize Life for Self - Touching on my emotions and physical experience. Accept and appreciate how I feel right now. This is the core of how to organize life. It starts from within.

Organize Life for Yesterday - I then take a moment to reflect on yesterday, as that is where I have come from.

Organize Life for Today - Think of the fixed appointments, the general layout of your day to come, and where the areas of your day are where you get to decide exactly what you do with the time.

Organize Life for Civilization - What do you want to do in society? What is your place and purpose in terms of contribution and business?

Organize Life for Ideally Organized Living - Picture the biggest possible ideally organized living circumstances that fill your fantasy. This connects you with the spark of life.

Organize Life for Projects - Now you are ready to consider the actual projects and responsibilities that you have in your life. Tasks, hobbies, interests, pursuits, business ideas, etc.

Organize Life for Right Now - Through the above self-question process you are probably now ready to decide on the next step activities to organize your life even more.

This 10 minute review might take longer when you first do it.  Take your time with it, and remember this article. By doing this simple 10 minute process regularly your life should become more and more organized.