Sunday, October 20, 2019

Organizing Tips to Keep Your House Tidy Everyday

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Does this happen to you? Do you waste precious time trying to find what you’re looking for? Are you sometimes late for work because you can’t find your car keys? Setting up some useful organizing systems throughout your home can make your everyday routine run smoothly and efficiently. These tips about keeping your home orderly will help you to save time and keep you more organized and productive. 

Get into the good habit of keeping your items in a place that makes sense. For example, you can use a decorative basket or two on a table by your entryway to keep your outgoing mail, school books or book-bags that are needed for the next day after the homework is done. One basket could be used just for hats, scarves and gloves during the winter months. You can also keep your car keys in a dish by the front door. It is nice to have a coat rack and umbrella holder by the entrance too. This will save you time in the morning because you won’t be running around trying to gather what you need for the day.

Many pet owners have a cute area by their front or back door organized with a special basket to hold their dog’s supplies, such as their lease, doggy coat and a few treats.

I like to set up a central command center near the kitchen on my desk to keep my everyday daily planner notebook, pens, pencils and extra paper. I keep a large calendar on my desk to write down all appointments and special events, including upcoming holiday plans. 

Along with my kitchen command center, I have a bill paying set-up that includes a special caddy with a handle to hold my envelopes, stamps, tape, address book and calculator. Some people use a small rolling cart for their mail/bill paying supplies and daily planners, etc. A rolling cart can be conveniently moved around to different areas of the house as needed. 

I like to use small rolling carts for my frequently used baking supplies in my pantry/kitchen area. Carts can also come in handy to store excess pantry goods, if you have an overflow. A cute little decorative cart could be used to display a nice variety of your coffee and tea items near your dining room for entertaining. If you have some extra space in your bathroom, you could use a pretty rolling cart to display/store your favorite beauty essentials, such as cosmetic supplies and hair curling sets, etc.

It is great to find the correct “home” or place for your all of your items. When you are finished using something, it will become easy for you to put the item back in the proper storage space when you are done. This is a good practice for every room in your house. It is often easier to straighten up as you go, instead of spending hours over your weekend off cleaning the whole house. 

You can pick up the newspapers and magazines when you are done reading them and put them in your recycle bin instead of leaving them on the coffee table. It is a great habit to load the dishwasher after every meal instead of just once a day after dinner. 

Did you ever bring home a real big order of groceries and end up leaving several of the canned and boxed items in the grocery bags on your kitchen table for the next day or two until you had more time to put everything away? Get into the good habit of putting all of your groceries away rather than leaving them on the kitchen table for a few days. How can you keep track of what food you do or don’t have if last week’s groceries are still in the bags? If things are neat and tidy in your kitchen area, it becomes a pleasant environment to enjoy a meal instead of a constant reminder of projects or jobs that need to be done.

Another area that is important to keep clean and organized on a daily basis is the bathroom. Keep your bathroom tidy everyday. You can wipe the sink and vanity after you wash your face or use your cosmetics. Then you can put away your toiletries and hair products. Doing these small things routinely as you go everyday keeps the bathroom cleaner, especially if you have unexpected guests visit at any time. 

One easy way to keep your bedroom looking fresh and nice is to make your bed every morning and hang up any clean clothes that might be lying around. Remember to keep your closets organized. If your closet is overflowing with clothes, you can’t see what you have. You can keep out of season clothes in the spare bedroom closet or in a protective storage system. Keep shoes in boxes or organized on shoe racks. It would be nice to donate any clothing that no longer fits or if you haven’t worn the items in the past season. There are probably many people who would be grateful to use the clothes.

Remember to finish one project before starting another. I have a neighbor who has started to clean and organize their basement, but never finished the project and is now working on their garage. Their house is constantly in a state of disarray and they never manage to get any project completed because it’s too overwhelming and stressful.

In summary, just by taking these small steps every day to keep your house organized will help your home to stay clutter-free and tidy. This should also help you to be less stressed and more productive.

Lastly, you may really enjoy this great video titled “How Erin Uses the Wall Organization Center"

Learn more: "Wall Organization Center 101" at affiliate link 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Meal Planning for Your Family

Healthy Meal Planning program for your busy family ~ customizable weekly menus, easy recipes and shopping lists based on your grocery stores' sales. Make your life easier by organizing and simplifying your weekly dinners. See how the program works by clicking the following link or the above banner.

(I am a member of a few affiliate programs that are listed on my blog. I may receive monetary compensation for sales of various products, or for successful promotions for specific products.)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Organizational Tips For Work-At-Home Moms

Many work-at-home moms are motivated to get their home and their life organized. They want to have the least amount of stress in their daily lives. They also want to be productive with work and efficient with their family responsibilities. Work-at-home moms want to avoid an overwhelming schedule. It is essential for moms working from home to establish specific business hours. This will help with focus and also to prevent distractions. You will need to explain your working schedule to family and friends. You can delegate certain routine chores to family members, if appropriate. Maybe your spouse could help with cooking. It is essential that you try to keep your life balanced, so you can get adequate rest to be able to function to your fullest potential. A daily planner, paper or digital is very important for management of your time and work. Write down your short-term and long-term goals in your daily planner, along with your specific project plans. You can also use your planner for meal planning too. Make sure that everything has a correct place or "home" in your house. It is a good habit to put back items where they belong on a daily basis. It is helpful to organize the specific storage spaces within your home. Baskets, shelves, bins and cabinets can be used to organize items throughout your home. Create an organizing system that works nicely with your daily lifestyle.