Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Helpful Tips For Moms Setting Goals

Setting goals is an important part of personal and professional development. It can help you focus your efforts, stay motivated, and achieve what you want in life. Here are some steps you can follow to set both short-term and long-term goals:

1. Start by identifying what you want to achieve. Take some time to think about what is most important to you and what you want to accomplish in the short-term and long-term.

2. Make your goals specific and measurable. Instead of setting a goal like "get in shape," try setting a specific goal like "lose 10 pounds in the next three months." This will make it easier to track your progress and know when you've achieved your goal.

3. Set deadlines for your goals. Having a specific timeline can help you stay motivated and ensure that you stay on track.

4. Break your goals down into smaller steps. This will make them more manageable and help you make progress on your goals on a regular basis.

5. Share your goals with someone you trust. This can help you stay accountable and get support and encouragement as you work towards your goals.

6. Review and revise your goals as needed. It's okay to change your goals if your circumstances or priorities change. Just be sure to adjust your plan accordingly.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Tips To Avoid Procrastination

Here are some tips to help you avoid procrastination:

1. Set clear goals and priorities for the day.

2. Break tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

3. Use a planner or calendar to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

4. Set deadlines for tasks, even if they are self-imposed.

6. Eliminate distractions or find a quiet place to work.

7. Use tools like timers and alarms to stay on track.

8. Make a commitment to yourself to start working on a task and set a specific time to do it.

9. Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself to get started.

10. Seek out accountability, such as by telling a friend or family member about your goals.

11. Find ways to make the task more enjoyable, such as by listening to music or finding a fun way to approach the task.

12. Consider the consequences of not completing the task and use that as motivation to get started.

13. Try the "5-minute rule" where you commit to working on a task for just 5 minutes, then reassess and decide whether to continue.

14. Use rewards or incentives to motivate yourself to get started and complete the task.

15. Seek out professional help, such as talking to a therapist or coach, if you have persistent problems with procrastination.

16. Find a role model or mentor who is able to effectively manage their time and ask for advice.

17. Try the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for short bursts of time followed by short breaks.

18. Set achievable goals and celebrate your progress.

19. Practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment to help reduce avoidance behaviors.

20. Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself successfully completing the task.

21. Remind yourself of the benefits of completing the task and the consequences of not doing so.

Daily Routine

A consistent daily routine can increase productivity because it helps to establish good habits and create a sense of structure and predictability in your daily life. When you have a clear idea of what you need to do and when you need to do it, you can focus your energy and attention on your tasks and be more productive. Here are a few ways that a consistent daily routine can increase productivity:

1. It helps to prioritize tasks: When you have a routine, you can prioritize your tasks based on their importance and deadline, and schedule them accordingly. This helps you to stay focused and avoid wasting time on less important tasks.

2. It reduces decision fatigue: A daily routine helps to reduce the number of decisions you have to make on a daily basis, which can help to reduce decision fatigue. When you don't have to spend time and energy deciding what to do next, you can focus on getting things done.

3. It helps you to manage your time effectively: A consistent daily routine allows you to plan your day and allocate your time effectively, so you can get more done in less time.

4. It helps to eliminate distractions: A daily routine can help to eliminate distractions by creating a set of boundaries and limits around when and how you work. This can help you to focus on your tasks and be more productive.

5. It helps to manage your energy: A consistent daily routine can help you to manage your energy levels more effectively, as it allows you to plan your day around your natural energy cycles. For example, if you are most productive in the morning, you can schedule your most important tasks for that time.

Overall, a consistent daily routine can help to increase productivity by providing structure, predictability, and focus, which can make it easier to get things done and achieve your goals.


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance: Set boundaries between your work and home life by creating specific times for work and specific times for personal activities.

Prioritize your time: Prioritize your time by focusing on the most important tasks first, this will help you stay on track and manage your time more effectively.

Use a schedule: Use a schedule to plan your day, this will help you stay organized and manage your time more effectively.

Set realistic expectations: Set realistic expectations for yourself and others, this will help you manage your time more effectively and reduce stress.

Take breaks: Take regular breaks throughout the day, this will help you stay focused and refreshed.

Set up a designated workspace: Set up a designated workspace, this will help you separate your work and home life and create a more professional environment.

Learn to say no: Learn to say no to tasks or responsibilities that are not important or that you do not have time for.

Practice self-care: Practice self-care by making time for activities that you enjoy, such as exercise, reading, or spending time with friends and family.

Communicate with your family: Communicate with your family and let them know your schedule and priorities, this will help them understand and support your work schedule.

Flexibility: If possible, look for flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, this can help you better balance your work and home life.

Note: This is a general list, you can add or remove based on your personal preference.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

Ideas To Help Increase Your Productivity

Here are a few tips that can help you increase your productivity:

1. Set specific and achievable goals: Clearly define what you want to accomplish and make a plan to achieve it. Break larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks.

2. Prioritize your tasks: Identify the most important tasks and tackle them first. This will help you make the most of your time and energy.

3. Create a schedule: Plan out your day in advance and try to stick to a regular routine. This can help you stay focused and avoid distractions.

4. Minimize distractions: find a quiet place to work.

5. Take breaks: Taking breaks can help you stay fresh and avoid burnout. Step away from your work for a few minutes every hour or so to stretch, take a walk, or do something else that you enjoy.

6. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for productivity. Make sure you get enough rest each night so that you can be at your best during the day.

7. Stay organized: Keep your work area clean and clutter-free. This can help you stay focused and more efficient.

By following these tips, you can increase your productivity and get more done in less time.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

List of Some Helpful Time Management Apps

 Here is a list of some helpful time management apps:

  1. Todoist
  2. Habitica
  4. Trello
  5. HabitHub
  6. Forest
  7. TimeTune
  8. Time Planner Pro
  9. Time Tracker
  10. Timely

These time management apps can help you to create to-do lists, track your progress, set reminders, and more. They can be a useful tool for improving your time management skills and increasing your productivity.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

How to Organize Your Desk Drawers in Your Home Office

Here are some tips for organizing your desk drawers in your home office:

  1. Start by emptying out the drawers completely, so you can see what you have and what needs to be organized.
  2. Sort through the items and discard anything in an appropriate way that is no longer needed or not in good condition.
  3. Decide on a category or theme for each drawer. For example, one drawer could be for office supplies, another for documents, and another for personal items.
  4. Use drawer dividers or organizers to keep items separated and in their own designated area.
  5. Use small storage containers or tray to organize smaller items like paperclips, push pins, and other small items.
  6. Use a desk pad or mat to protect the bottom of the drawer from scratches and to prevent items from sliding around.
  7. Consider using expandable file folders, hanging files, or file boxes to organize important documents and papers.
  8. Use drawer labels or labels on the organizer to know what's inside
  9. Regularly go through your drawers, to keep them organized and eliminate any items that are no longer needed.
  10. Store any confidential or sensitive documents in a locked cabinet or locked drawer.
  11. Utilize the back of the drawer as storage space, if the drawer is deep enough, you can add risers or small shelf to increase storage capacity.

Remember that organizing and maintaining your office drawers is an ongoing process. Consistently taking the time to sort through and declutter your drawers will help keep them organized and easy to use.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How to Prep the Evening Before a Scheduled Work Day to Make the Mornings Easier to Get Ready

Preparing the evening before a scheduled work day can help to make your mornings less stressful and more efficient. Here are some things you can do to prepare the evening before a work day:

  1. Pack your lunch: If you bring your lunch to work, take a few minutes to pack it the evening before. This will save you time in the morning and ensure that you have a healthy lunch to eat.
  2. Lay out your clothes: Choose your outfit for the next day and lay it out in a visible location. This will save you time and energy in the morning and help you to avoid the stress of trying to find something to wear.
  3. Prepare your breakfast: If you have a busy morning, consider preparing your breakfast the night before. This could be as simple as packing a bag of granola or as elaborate as preparing a full breakfast casserole.
  4. Gather your essentials: Make sure that you have everything you need for the next day, such as your keys, phone, wallet, and any other items that you use on a daily basis.
  5. Do some light cleaning: Take a few minutes to tidy up your space, so that you don't have to spend time doing it in the morning. This can include wiping down counters, putting away dishes, and making your bed.

By preparing the evening before, you can start your work day feeling organized and ready to go, rather than rushed and stressed.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

How A Consistent Daily Routine Can Increase Productivity

A consistent daily routine can increase productivity because it helps to establish good habits and create a sense of structure and predictability in your daily life. When you have a clear idea of what you need to do and when you need to do it, you can focus your energy and attention on your tasks and be more productive.

Here are a few ways that a consistent daily routine can increase productivity:

1. It helps to prioritize tasks: When you have a routine, you can prioritize your tasks based on their importance and deadline, and schedule them accordingly. This helps you to stay focused and avoid wasting time on less important tasks.

2. It reduces decision fatigue: A daily routine helps to reduce the number of decisions you have to make on a daily basis, which can help to reduce decision fatigue. When you don't have to spend time and energy deciding what to do next, you can focus on getting things done.

3. It helps you to manage your time effectively: A consistent daily routine allows you to plan your day and allocate your time effectively, so you can get more done in less time.

4. It helps to eliminate distractions: A daily routine can help to eliminate distractions by creating a set of boundaries and limits around when and how you work. This can help you to focus on your tasks and be more productive.

5. It helps to manage your energy: A consistent daily routine can help you to manage your energy levels more effectively, as it allows you to plan your day around your natural energy cycles. For example, if you are most productive in the morning, you can schedule your most important tasks for that time. 

Overall, a consistent daily routine can help to increase productivity by providing structure, predictability, and focus, which can make it easier to get things done and achieve your goals. 

20 Positive Tips To Help You Avoid Procrastination

Here are some tips to help you avoid procrastination: 

1. Set clear goals and priorities for the day.

2. Break tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

3. Use a planner or calendar to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

4. Set deadlines for tasks, even if they are self-imposed.

5. Eliminate distractions or find a quiet place to work.

6. Use tools like timers and alarms to stay on track.

7. Make a commitment to yourself to start working on a task and set a specific time to do it.

8. Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself to get started.

9. Seek out accountability, such as by telling a friend or family member about your goals.

10. Find ways to make the task more enjoyable, such as by listening to music or finding a fun way to approach the task.

11. Consider the consequences of not completing the task and use that as motivation to get started.

12. Try the "5-minute rule" where you commit to working on a task for just 5 minutes, then reassess and decide whether to continue.

13. Use rewards or incentives to motivate yourself to get started and complete the task.

14. Seek out professional help, such as talking to a therapist or coach, if you have persistent problems with procrastination.

15. Find a role model or mentor who is able to effectively manage their time and ask for advice.

16. Try the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for short bursts of time followed by short breaks.

17. Set achievable goals and celebrate your progress. 

18. Practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment to help reduce avoidance behaviors.

19. Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself successfully completing the task.

20. Remind yourself of the benefits of completing the task and the consequences of not doing so. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Time Management Tips

Are you an individual who can’t seem to properly manage your time?  If you are having problems at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by your inability to properly manage your time.  The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management.  In fact, 8 simple steps that you can take are highlighted below.

1 – Know That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior.  Although it is typical to be late for work or a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis.  If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have a problem.

2 – Decide To Change

Knowing that you have a time management problem is important, but wanting to change is even more important.  You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of motivation.  Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all dinner dates, and so forth.

3 – Stick To Your Goals

Creating a number of time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you don’t give up right away or when you are faced with complications.  Setting goals simply just isn’t enough, you need to stick with them.

4 – Create Daily Task Lists

Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time.  In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take.  Outline what you need to do throughout the day.  Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance.

5 – Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get use to, especially right away.  If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage.  In fact, did you know that many cell phones and computers come with alarm clocks, alerts, and so much more?

6 – Learn How To Say No

In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but try to not take on more than you can accomplish.  If you must, look into using outside help.  In the home, this outside help can come from a housecleaner.  At the workplace, this outside help can come from a coworker.

7 – Get Organized

Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time.  If you are unorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time.  For example, in the workplace you can waste time by searching for lost or misplaced documents.  The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for your glasses or car keys.

8 – Consider Hiring Professional Help

As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner.  In addition to taking this approach, there are other professionals that you can target.  There are individuals and companies who specialize in teaching others how to effectively manage their time and stay organized. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Motivating Your Family To Get Organized

As you begin the process of organizing your household, you may ask yourself what the best way is to motivate your family members to become and stay actively involved in the process. Each family member is unique and so is their method for organizing and prioritizing. But if you approach it from a coaching standpoint, it is possible to motivate your family to get on the organizational bandwagon. 

First of all, remember that your family will get involved in the process for their own reasons, not necessarily just to please you. Help each family member pinpoint their own motivations for wanting to get organized. Maybe they are feeling less productive in school or at work, or they never seem to have enough social time.

Each of us has a strong suit when it comes to being organized. Find that about each family member and emphasize it. Take the opportunity to share your organizational strengths and tips, and ask them to do the same. Offer praise, not criticism. 

Organizing isn't about getting rid of things at all. It is about identifying what's important to you and giving those things a reliable, consistent home. Don’t try to force your family member to get rid of their things, but to prioritize which things holds the most importance and to focus their organizational goals around that. 

Finally, being organized is about being responsible. If your child or family member has worked hard to get organized and stay organized, recognize this feat and reward it. Perhaps you can come up with a family reward such as purchasing three or four new board games the family can play together. 

And remember, the best teacher for your family is you, so lead by example. Maintain your personal organization systems and consistently strive to improve and find new ways to keep on top of the clutter so chaos doesn’t overrun your life. Your family will learn from you. 

Time Management and Organization

Would you like to improve your time management?  If you find yourself easily distracted, missing important deadlines, or showing up to important events late, improving your time management may be a good idea.  Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize just how much trouble poor time management can cause them.

When it comes to improving time management, many individuals are surprised with all of the options that they have.  One of those options is using time management tools to your advantage.  If this sounds like an approach that you would like to take, please continue reading on.  A number of helpful and successful time management tools that you can benefit from using are outlined below for your convenience.

An alarm clock is a simple, yet effective time management tool that you can and should use.  What is nice about alarm clocks, is that most of us already have them in our homes.  Be sure to set your alarm clock to get up in the morning.  Consider resetting it five minutes before you must walk out to door to work, set it for when you want to start preparing dinner, and so forth.  Although we often associate alarm clocks with getting up in the morning, they can actually be used for so much more.

A task list, also commonly referred to as a to do list, is another time management tool that you can and should use to your advantage.  What nice about task lists is that they are free and easy to do.  All you need is a piece of a paper and pencil.  Outlining everything that you must do for the day is a great way to make sure that you stay focused and on task, which is an important component of managing your time.  If you must, keep separate lists for home and work.

Daily, weekly, and monthly planners are other time management tools that can be used.  The type of planner that you will use will all depend on your own personal preferences.  With that said, many individuals prefer daily planners better, as they often leave more space to create a to do list or at least a spot to write down important dates and times.  If you do use a daily, weekly, or monthly planner, be sure to keep it with you at all times.  

Calendar alert programs are other time management tools that come highly rated and recommended.  Calendar alert programs are so much more than just a traditional wall calendar.  For the most part, these time management alert tools are found on computers and cell phones.  What you will need to do is enter in an important date and time.  When that date and time arrives, you should receive a message on your computer screen or cell phone screen.  Text message and emails may also be sent.  These types of programs are often used to remember birthdays, but they can be used on a wide range of other events, projects, and activities.

Finally, another tool that you will want to consider using is that of a time management training seminar.  In addition to attending a physical class, you may be able to purchase a seminar in video format.  Although some individuals do not consider receiving training a tool, it is an important tool.  There are professionals out there who can share time management tips with you, as well as help you improve your organizational skills.

Monday, May 30, 2022

How Being Organized Can Save You Time And Possibly Money


We all want to be able to organize our schedules and have the commitment to maintain them on a day-to-day basis, but how? Creating a workable schedule is typically time-consuming and often results in a frustrating battle with your calendar.

Organization is beneficial for everyone and can be easily adapted to suit individual needs. And believe it or not, being organized in your everyday life actually saves you time and possibly money. Here are a few of the reasons why.

Efficient and Stress-Free

If you keep your belongings organized, you don’t need to spend time looking for them when needed. This is especially handy in the case of important yet rarely used items, such as insurance or tax information.

The key to keeping things organized is to come up with a place to keep something and stick to it. If you want to keep important mail in a desk drawer, make sure you keep all of your important mail in that drawer. Don’t be afraid of sorting your things too much. The more categories of things you come up with, the easier it will be to find exactly what you need when you need it.

Saves You from Buying New

Organization keeps you from buying items you already have, but you’ve forgotten about or lost in your household or workplace. You’re more likely to forget about a pack of rubber-bands you bought several months ago and never opened, than your car keys or your wallet. Combined, these types of purchases can end up costing you a significant amount of money for items that you already have.

Fortunately, this is a very fixable problem. By cleaning and organizing the designated “junk” drawers in your home or office and making a list of all the items, you will easily find the item you’re looking for the next time you go searching. This avoids unnecessary purchases and impulsive buys at the store in the future. It's a very flexible habit that can be applied to many aspects of your daily routine.

Helps You Remember Important Details

It can be hard to keep track of every detail when you have a lot going on in your life. Sometimes, bills can get lost in the shuffle and go unpaid, or household maintenance gets overlooked. By keeping all of your activities organized, you can get them done in a more efficient manner and you make sure that every detail is taken care of.

May Save Money on Shopping

If you plan out a menu for each month, you can buy many of your groceries in bulk, saving you time and frequent trips to the store. If you prepare a list ahead of time, you can also look for coupons that offer savings on the things you plan to buy.

The same applies to non-food items, which can be bought in bulk and stored for later use. Staying organized and keeping essentials stocked up saves you the stress of running out to make a special trip for more. You can also plan out birthday or holiday gifts well ahead of time, so that you can keep an eye out for a good deal.

While it may take a bit of effort, organizing your life allows you to use your time more efficiently and to take better advantage of your finances. Not only that, but the more thought-out your budget or schedule is, the less you will worry about them. There are many tools designed to help keep you organized, including all kinds of helpful apps for mobile devices.

Listing Your Way To Efficiency


Checklists are the greatest way to get organized for any occasion. Most of us make a grocery list before going to the store, why not make a list for everything else in life? The benefits greatly outweigh the time that it may take to make one. The more checklists that you make, the quicker you will get at it. Following are some general ideas for checklists:

Checklist for everyday: Start your mornings by making a list of all the things that you need to accomplish each day. Carry it with you and mark each item off when completed. This will give a great feeling of accomplishment and closure.

Household maintenance: Develop a household maintenance list divided into months. Check the list a few months in advance to see if you need to schedule specific maintenance people to do a job for you. 

Weekly cleaning list: A weekly cleaning list should be developed and hung on the wall for everyone to see. Beside each job include the person's name that is accountable for the job that week. Make sure they mark off the job when completed. 

Car Maintenance checklist: Schedule times when you need to make appointments for an oil change and general car maintenance. 

Developing checklists for your life will go a long way in reducing stress. Having a list will also make it easier to assign tasks to other people in your household. The great thing about these checklists is they can all be stored on your computer and printed out as needed. Or if you prefer, create a special binder for all of your checklists. Once you start making checklists, you will wonder how you ever lived without them.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

8 Steps To Managing Your Time


Are you an individual who can’t seem to properly manage your time? If you are having problems at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by your inability to properly manage your time. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management. In fact, eight simple steps that you can take are highlighted below.

1 – Know That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior. Although it is typical to be late for work or a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis. If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have a problem.

2 – Decide To Change

Knowing that you have a time management problem is important, but wanting to change is even more important. You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of motivation. Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all dinner dates, and so forth.

3 – Stick To Your Goals

Creating a number of time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you don’t give up right away or when you are faced with complications. Setting goals simply just isn’t enough, you need to stick with them.

4 – Create Daily Task Lists

Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance.

5 – Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get use to, especially right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage. In fact, did you know that many cell phones and computers come with alarm clocks, alerts, and so much more?

6 – Learn How To Say No

In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but try to not take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, look into using outside help. In the home, this outside help can come from a housecleaner. At the workplace, this outside help can come from a coworker.

7 – Get Organized

Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time. If you are unorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time. For example, in the workplace you can waste time by searching for lost or misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for your glasses or car keys.

8 – Consider Hiring Professional Help

As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner. In addition to taking this approach, there are other professionals that you can target. There are individuals and companies who specialize in teaching others how to effectively manage their time and stay organized, such as professional organizers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Positive Benefits of Home Organization and Decluttering Your House

I would like to begin by telling you a little information about myself. I am a Registered Nurse and I also earned by diploma in medical transcription.

I have several years of nursing experience and I even had the wonderful opportunity to write and teach a few online medical assisting courses on the junior college academic level.

However, I have always had a great passion for organizing my house. I studied many resources about home organization. There is so much helpful information to learn. I decided to continue to pursue my interest in this field. I studied online and now I am a trained Professional Organizer. I successfully completed a Professional Organizing program and I enjoyed my training very much. 

Now that you are a little more familiar with my training, we will get onto our topic of decluttering the house. I would like to emphasize that I do not believe there is just "one" successful method to organize and declutter your home. 

I think it is extremely important for you to educate yourself about home organization and decluttering the house and decide on specific "organizing systems" that will work well for your individual lifestyle and family. Always remember that good organizational habits can be learned.

I have a question for everyone reading my blog today. What is clutter?
  • Clutter is anything in your home or office that does not serve a purpose or function in your life anymore.
  • Clutter may include items in your home that are broken or nonfunctional.
  • Clutter may be material items in your home that you do not need or love.
  • Clutter could also include unnecessary duplicate items in your home.
  • You may be surprised to realize that having too many storage containers that aren't actually being used in your home may add to your existing clutter problem. That is the main reason it may be suggested that you declutter your home "first." Then it should be easy to figure out exactly how many storage boxes to buy and specific sizes you may need.
  • Clutter could also consist of accumulated items of trash to be thrown away or removed in an appropriate manner. 
Now that we know what clutter is, why do you think our homes accumulate clutter?
  • Clutter may be caused be delayed decisions.
  • You haven't taken the time to decide on appropriate areas to keep your specific items in your home.
  • Procrastination: maybe you feel overwhelmed about organizing or decluttering your house.
  • You may be experiencing that frustrating "all or nothing" feeling about home organization. For example: you may think to yourself, "I will never have enough time to get my organizing projects done. There is just too much to do. So, why should I even start?"
  • Maybe you have a very busy family schedule and you haven't been using a good weekly/monthly planner for routine chores/tasks in the home.
  • Possibly the family doesn't realize your home organization goals and you may get easily distracted with many interruptions throughout the day. It may be very helpful for you to communicate your short-term and long-term organizing goals with your family. You may decide to have family members participate in your plan. This may be especially important in helping to keep your home maintained after you have everything set up the way you like it.
  • You may have felt the lack of energy or motivation to complete organizing projects in the past.
  • Often times, a major lifestyle change may cause a change in the normal flow of organization in your home. Here are a few examples: a birth or a death in the family, new marriage or a divorce, job relocation or health problems.
How can clutter affect your life in a negative way?
  • Clutter can take up lots of extra space in a home. Think of how much more additional space you may have available after you get rid of any unnecessary clutter.
  • You may be using a lot of your valuable time to take care of all the material things in your house.
  • You could be spending extra money for duplicate items that you have been purchasing because you haven't been able to find the things that you were looking for in your house.
  • Many people say they lack energy because they are tired of maintaining all the material things they have accumulated over the years.
  • They don't have enough time to take good care of themselves or to enjoy their favorite hobbies and outlets.
What are the positive benefits of home organization and decluttering your house?
  • You will be able to focus on things that you enjoy such as: exercise, hobbies, good nutrition, etc.
  • You may find that you have more time to spend with family and friends.
  • Hopefully, you won't have the need to purchase unnecessary items because you will have easy access to your items and be able to find everything when you need it. You will learn how to find "the right place for everything in your home."
  • You may really enjoy the big bonus of having more space in your home once you get rid of your clutter.
  • An organized house, free of clutter, may help you save time when you need to do your routine daily/weekly household chores.
  • I find that I focus and concentrate better and feel more productive and less stress with work when my house and office are organized.
  • You may increase your confidence to invite your friends over to your home again.
This is a wonderful video titled:

"How to Organize Your Home: Organizational Expert Alejandra Costello's House Tour"