Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Complete Five Part Spring Cleaning and Organizing FREE Mini-eCourse

Complete Five Part Spring Cleaning and Organizing FREE Mini-eCourse

Lesson 1

Welcome to the first lesson of the Spring Cleaning and Organization Mini-eCourse. The cold days of winter are over and the fresh breezes of spring have begun to blow. As the flowers bloom and the birds chirp, many of us take a look at our homes and want to rid ourselves of the stale, winter feeling and start the season off with a clean and organized home. Spring cleaning can be hard work, but once the job is complete, the rewards are well worth the effort. So get ready and roll up your sleeves, it is time to get your home in order.

While jumping into spring cleaning feet first might seem like the best way to approach the tasks at hand, your best bet would be to take your time and plan things out before beginning. Complete the following list of tasks before starting your spring cleaning and you will find your project going faster and smoother than you ever could have imagined.
  • Start by evaluating each room and its organizational needs. Grab a notebook and jot down everything that needs to be addressed in each room before starting. For instance, if there is a messy stack of magazines on the coffee table, make a note to buy a magazine rack.
  • Take stock of what cleaning supplies you already have on hand and what you will need to complete all your jobs. Add to the list any organizational tools that you need for each of your rooms. Having your supplies ready before you start will save you from running to the store to replace something that you have run out of, which might also cause you to lose motivation.
  • Have a few motivators on hand. Find some type of reward for yourself for completing the larger tasks, such as a favorite snack for breaks. Turn on some upbeat music to keep you going and make the job go by faster.
In Lesson 2 we will discuss tactics for cleaning the kitchen.

Lesson 2

Spring cleaning in the kitchen is probably the hardest task of all. As many call it the heart of the home, it certainly deserves some extra love and care when cleaning time rolls around. Here are some great tips that can help you get your kitchen clean and organized.

Start from the top and work down to keep from having to clean the same areas over again. If you wipe out the cabinets after scrubbing the countertops, you will probably have to clean the counters again.

Next, wipe off the tops of the cabinets and higher shelves. While you are reaching for high spaces, it’s a good time to clean off the top of the refrigerator.

Also, while the stepstool or ladder is out, take down the curtains or blinds and clean them or replace them, if necessary. If you have a ceiling fan in your kitchen, now would be a prime time to clean the dust and polish the metal fixtures.

While your window treatments are out of the way, clean your windows and screens. Make sure to do both the inside and outside to keep the room feeling bright and cheerful. You may decide to leave the windows open a bit, once the screens have been replaced to let some fresh air in.
Start cleaning the fridge by taking everything out of both the refrigerator and freezer. Throw away expired food and almost empty items. In the freezer, properly dispose of anything that might be past its expiration date or has developed freezer burn.

Next, we will cover tips on cleaning your bathroom to a sparkling polish.

Lesson 3

As you know, bathrooms can harbor lots of dirt and germs. Because of that, a thorough cleaning is a must. A spic and span bathroom that is also clutter-free will be an oasis in your home.

First, double check that everything that does not belong in the bathroom is returned to its home. Get the dirty towels and washcloths to the laundry and take down the shower curtain and liner for washing or replacement.

Start the job by dusting the walls and wiping them down where necessary. Remove the window treatments, if there are any, and clean them or have them cleaned. Wash the windows both outside and in, scrubbing and rinsing the screens as well.

Clean your mirrors and shine the bathroom sink fixtures. Wash any soap dishes, toothbrush holders, and containers that usually sit on the sink area out, or wipe them down. Scrub out the sink and dry thoroughly when you are done to prevent water spots.

Start cleaning the tub or shower from the top and work down. Pay attention to the edges and corners, as mold and mildew can hide in these areas. Remove any mats or slip pads to make sure that they aren’t harboring mildew and replace if necessary. Scrub out the tub area and remember to polish the faucet and handles, as well. Wipe the tub dry when you are done.

Now that you’ve tackled the kitchen and bathroom, the next step is take on the bedroom. We’ll cover that room next!

Lesson 4

Most of us spend at least eight hours a day in our bedrooms, it only makes sense that they be a pleasing room to be in. You will sleep better and enjoy your leisure time much more in a neat and orderly bedroom. Here is how you can make your own bedroom or your children’s rooms, the oasis they should be.

De-cluttering the bedroom can be a big job- especially if you are a “pack rat.” Start by tackling the biggest project first…the closet. Use the top down approach, once again, and take everything off the shelves, if there are any.

Sort through the pile of things from the shelf and decide what you need, what you want, and what can be thrown or given away. If you find something that you forgot you had and have no use for, throw it out or donate the item. Dust the corners of the closet walls and wipe down the shelf before replacing the items.

Move down to the hanging items next. Take everything out and wipe off the hang bar. Now go through the pile of clothes, being blatantly honest with yourself. If it doesn’t fit, is hopelessly out of style, or is in need of repair that will never happen, throw it out or put it in a bag to be given to charity. 

While you are going through the hanging clothes, check your hangers to see if any need replacing. You can buy new ones very cheaply, or recycle those that are on the items you are getting rid of. If you find that your closet is still stuffed full, even after weeding out the old things, try adding a bar beneath one half and hanging tops on the upper bar and skirts and folded pants below.

Finish up the closet by removing everything from the floor and vacuuming thoroughly. Dust the corners and wipe down the walls if needed. Sort through the items here with the same technique of throwing out or donating the old, unnecessary items and only keeping what you need and really want.

Taking the time to clean and organize your home is only half the battle. The real work begins after the major cleaning is done and the maintenance portion begins. In our final Lesson 5, we’ll give you some tips on how to keep your rooms clean and fresh.

Lesson 5

After all of your hard work spring cleaning and organizing your home, you certainly won’t want to see things back to the way they were in a matter of weeks. Staying organized takes a little work and is certainly a learned habit, but for this small amount of daily effort, you will have a cleaner home and a happier family. Try some of these tips to help keep your home looking like you just wrapped up your spring cleaning efforts.

Keep a small basket in each room for things that do not belong. Get in the habit of checking the basket as you leave the room for items that might belong in your next destination.

Keep all of your cleaning supplies safely together, along with rags, paper towels, scrub brushes, and any other items you may need to complete any cleaning task. Using a bucket or cleaning supply caddy will make grabbing the necessary tools a snap when it is time to do your daily chores. Remember, if you have young children, it is important to store your cleaning supplies out of their reach for safety.

Sort through your mail each day when it is brought in. Place all the mail in a designated area and file the bills away after they are paid.

Every night after dinner, make sure that all the dishes are cleaned and put away, or at least rinsed and put into the dishwasher until there is a full load. Don’t let the dishes get away from you or you’ll find yourself in the midst of a marathon cleaning session.

Doing a little bit of work each night will help you start each day fresh and ready to take on the world!

I hope you enjoyed our Complete Five Part Spring Cleaning and Organizing FREE Mini-eCourse. Now, it's time to say "HELLO SPRING!" and welcome the new season into your home! This sensational resource "Spring Cleaning" eBook is available to you as a downloadable e-Book directly accessible from the Internet. Don't Wait until your in the midst of the busy summer season to start cleaning! Take control by taking action right now, today!

Here's How To Order Right Now!

Yes! Help Me Clean and Organize My Home In One Weekend Or Less! Don't wait any longer! You can be downloading and learning from this incredible information within just a few minutes . . . and using it to start cleaning and organizing today!

If you continue to go on as you are now, the clutter and dust is only going to keep building up. What I'm offering you is the easiest way to see for yourself how taking one weekend to "clean up" can be easy and effective!
P.S.S. Remember, you'll get instant access to this e-book so that you can start learning how to clean and organize things right away. There are no extra costs or wait time for shipping. What are you waiting for? Click below to order your downloadable Spring Cleaning e-book now for just $19.97, hurry now!
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