Showing posts with label organize your home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organize your home. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ideas On How To Make Your House Feel Cozy

Making your home feel cozy and inviting is all about creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Here are some ideas for making your home feel cozy:

1. Add warmth with textiles: Use textiles such as soft blankets, throw pillows, and rugs to add texture and warmth to your space.

2. Use lighting to create ambiance: Use a combination of lighting sources such as table lamps, floor lamps, and candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

3. Bring in natural elements: Incorporate natural elements such as plants, wood, and stones to add warmth and a sense of grounding to your space.

4. Use warm colors: Incorporate warm colors such as reds, yellows, and oranges in your decor to create a cozy atmosphere.

5. Create comfortable seating: Use comfortable seating options such as a plush sofa or overstuffed armchair to create a space that is inviting and comfortable.

6. Add personal touches: Incorporate personal touches such as family photos, heirlooms or artwork to give your space a sense of history and warmth.

7. Incorporate natural materials: Incorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, or linen in your decor to create a sense of warmth and grounding.

8. Make use of textures: Use textured materials such as knit blankets, woven baskets or fluffy rugs to add visual interest and tactile appeal to your space.  

9. Different spaces: Create different spaces in your home, such as a reading nook, a seating area, or a cozy corner.  

Monday, January 16, 2023

How To Organize A Small Kitchen

A small kitchen can present storage challenges, but there are ways to maximize the space you have:

  1. Utilize wall space: Install floating shelves or wall-mounted pot racks to create more storage space.
  2. Use under-cabinet storage: Install hooks or racks under the cabinets to hang utensils or pots and pans.
  3. Make use of corner space: Install a lazy susan or a pull-out corner cabinet to make use of difficult-to-reach corner space.
  4. Use vertical dividers: Use vertical dividers to organize your cabinets and pantry.
  5. Use the back of the cabinet and pantry doors: Install hooks or racks on the back of cabinet and pantry doors to hang utensils or spice racks.
  6. Invest in stackable or nesting cookware: This will take up less space than traditional pots and pans.
  7. Be mindful of what you bring: Be selective about what you bring into your kitchen and consider getting rid of items you no longer need or use.
  8. Use the space above the refrigerator: Install shelving or a cabinet above the refrigerator to create additional storage space.
  9. Utilize the space above the sink: Install a shelf or a window sill to create more storage for kitchen essentials.
  10. Use multi-functional furniture: Use a kitchen island, or a cart with wheels, it can also be used for storage and extra counter space.

Remember that getting creative with your storage solutions and being organized can help you make the most of a small kitchen. With a little bit of planning and effort, you can turn even the smallest of kitchens into a functional and efficient space.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Time Management Tips For Success

Are you a person who finds it difficult to stay focused and to stay on task?  Are you regularly late for important events or do you turn in projects or homework after the deadline?  If you do, you may need to improve your time management.  The good news is that there are a number of tips that can help you do so.  A few of these tips are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the first things that you will want to do is create time management goals for yourself.  These goals can be for different things.  For example, you can set a main goal of improving your time management in a specific period of time, like two weeks or a month.  You can also set individual goals for yourself, like arriving to parties, social events, work, or important business meetings on time.  No matter what goals you choose to set for yourself, they are important, as goals work to provide motivation.

Another way to improve your time management is to determine where you have the most problems.  What exactly is it that causes you to waste time?  Chances are you already know.  If not, do a little test.  Walk though a normal day and record what times you get distracted the most and what you are doing at those times.  Do you find yourself wasting time when socializing with friends, using the internet, or watching television?  If so, reduce or completely eliminate those distractions.

It is also important to note that there a number of time management tools available for your use as well.  These tools should not be relied on daily, but they can be used to help you establish a routine.  As for what time management tools you can use, you may be surprised with all of your options.  To do lists, daily planners, and alarm clocks are all great ideas.  Many modern computers and cell phones also come with time management tools, including alarm clocks, calendars, calendar alerts, and so forth.

As previously stated, a to do list is a time management tool that you can benefit from using.  As helpful as a to do list can be, it is important to also prioritize.  You will want to list your items in order of importance.  For example, if your list focuses on tasks to do at home is it more important for you to do laundry, vacuum the house, or wash dishes?  The order of your lists should all depend on importance and urgency.

One of the best ways to properly manage your time is to stay organized.  In fact, poor organization is the leading cause of wasted time.  If you are employed, be sure to keep your office desk clean and clutter free.  When doing so, you are able to stay focused and on task better.  You should be able to get more work done, as you should spend less time searching for misplaced or lost documents.  Organization is not only important in the workplace, but other areas that you frequent, such as your home or your car.

The above mentioned time management tips should be able to help you better manage your time on your own.  With that said, it is important to remember that sometimes help is needed.  The last thing that you want to do is be overloaded, whether it be at work or at home.  If you need to outsource some of your work to a coworker or if you need to hire the services of a professional housecleaner, go ahead and do so.  Once you are caught back up, you can begin to properly manage your time.  As much as we all want to complete our responsibilities on our own, it is important to remember that sometimes help is needed.

By taking the above mentioned points into consideration, you may be able to better improve the use of your time.  There are a number of benefits to having effective time management both at home and at the workplace.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Organizing Your Household Mail and Papers

Most people need to deal with paper on a daily basis. Some common examples are the following: bank statements, bills, pay stubs, newspapers, magazines, calendars, take-out menus, shopping receipts, and school permission slips. With an organized plan of action and some discipline, the paperwork can be conquered. 

Begin by taking a look at the type of paperwork that’s overwhelming you the most. Are you the most stressed by those bills that go unpaid when you can’t locate them? Or is it the amount of artwork your children have created and decorated your refrigerator with? Perhaps it’s the constantly changing after school schedules or meetings. 

Once you determine the most invasive paper culprits, next it’s time to line them up and sort them out. A successful filling system has three main components. A file for those things that need to be acted on immediately, one for those that are part of a household’s ongoing management, and one for those that are more infrequent but nevertheless crucial, such as tax records, insurance policies, and home maintenance documents. 

It is important to remember that when conquering the paperwork, make a good routine of dealing with each item the first time you handle it. Get out of the habit of looking through your mail and tossing it aside. Set aside time each day to open mail, go through paperwork in your inbox and sort and file appropriately. 

Decide if each item is something to be paid, something to be done, or something to be filed. At the end of each week, take out each file and respond appropriately by paying the bill, responding to the request, or moving items that need to be filed into their permanent locations. 

Of course, if you know something is urgent and can’t wait until week’s end, clip it to the front of your file box or place it in front in a folder labeled Urgent and act accordingly. 

Save telephone time by keeping calendars, schedules, take-out menus and phone lists into clear page protectors in a 3-ring binder. Flip through the household notebook to quickly check meeting dates or find phone numbers. 

Organize magazines and newspapers into baskets kept near couches and living room chairs for people to look at during their free time. Be sure to keep in the habit of sorting through this on a regular basis and filing those magazines you decide to keep and tossing old newspapers and magazines you wish you toss. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Planning Baby Steps For Getting Your Home Organized

You can increase your productivity dramatically by simply organizing your belongings in your home. I will describe important tools to help you when deciding on your goals to organize your life. 

The first major step is to create a plan. There is nothing that is more essential to achieving your goals than having a good plan. Often times, people set nonrealistic goals when first embarking on changing any area of their life.   

In order for your organizing plan to work successfully you need to have understandable, realistic goals that are individualized and written out. It is a good idea to set long and short-term goals. For example, your long-term goal could be getting your total home organized in one year's time. Your short-term goal could be getting one room in order within a month. 

After you have your goals defined, write them down on paper and put that paper in a place where you can view it often throughout the week. This should easily motivate you to achieve your goals.

Lastly, you need to determine why you want your house to be organized. It is helpful for you to know why you have this desire. 

While the above ideas may seem simplistic, it is amazing how many people set out to achieve positive changes in life without knowing what they specifically want to get done. The simplest and strongest force to achieving your goals is knowing where you are going and the reasons why you are going in that direction. Hopefully, if you follow these tips you will organize your life better than you ever thought possible.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Make the Most of Vertical Space


When working with small spaces, it is imperative to make use of vertical space. If you can't go out, you've got to go up! Choose a product that is attractive, and your organization is now doing double duty as wall decor. Here are 3 tips for making the most of vertical storage.

1. Pick the color intentionally, not spontaneously. Many people choose a product spontaneously because they like a color they see in the store. When they get home and realize it doesn't match the room they want to put it in, they become frustrated. A little planning can go a long way here. Think through where you will use it and choose your color accordingly.

2. Do not let pockets, baskets, or any container become a "catch all" or that is exactly what it will do. Containers that become "catch all's" are containers that gather dust. No one wants to sort through miscellaneous junk to find what they are looking for. Instead, give things a home and be consistent about placing that particular item (and only that particular item) in that spot. You can still use baskets or containers for these homes.

3. Too many sticky notes or things on a bulletin board or magnet board makes clutter. People tend to post notes as a reminder but when a board is covered with notes, the note doesn't get seen. Using a to do list for lists works better and easier to read. Use the board for morning reminders or motivating quotes.

Susan Stewart is a professional organizer and the founder of Perfectly Placed Professional Organization and Design in the Phoenix area. Perfectly Placed specializes in bringing peace and order to busy families through organization. You can find out more about Susan and Perfectly Placed at her website:

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