Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Where to Find Ideas for Home Organization

As you make plans to organize and declutter your home, you will probably want to do as much research as possible in order to get an idea of what you like. By looking at several different places for inspiration, you will get clear ideas of what you do and do not like.

By looking extensively and collecting ideas, you will have enough information to decide on an appropriate way to manage the mess in your home, and create a new space you love.


Pinterest is a great place online to collect a variety of ideas on any topic, and home organization is one of them. Simply do a search for a variety of phrases, such as “home organization”, “decluttering tips” or “tidy home hacks” and you will find endless ideas on how to get and keep your home in an amazing state of orderliness.

The sky is the limit, and with this website you can create folders on your account with titles that help you to find the information easily at a later time.


Houzz is a fun website where you can be inspired by looking at beautiful homes. Sometimes by viewing someone else’s organized spaces, you can glean ideas that will amaze you and help you to create your own organization solutions. Save pictures to folders that you create in order to categorize the ideas. You can even find out where certain items and accessories that you see on the website can be bought.


The internet is a wide-open place, and you can use this tool to collect ideas from around the world to help you with your organization journey. Google the words of absolutely anything you are looking for, and then view photos and find various websites that will satisfy your creative drive, while helping you organize your own home.

Save screenshots of inspirational and helpful photos in a folder you create on your desktop for this task, or print them out and make a binder if you are a hands-on type of individual.


There are a variety of magazines that are dedicated to beautiful homes and home organization. Use these magazines as a visual aid to inspire you and add to your knowledge about how to get and stay organized. Create a binder and add the articles and photos that inspire you the most.


Friends can be a great source of inspiration in your home organization project. When you are visiting a friend in their home and you notice that they seem to have a special talent for organization, ask them for tips. Individuals who are organized know how great it feels to stay on top of their day-to-day tasks, and are generally more than happy to help anyone else get to the same place.

Home organization can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, the world we live in is full of great ideas to help you get to a place where you can feel like you are not only surviving but thriving in this area. Use these resources to take you from overwhelmed to feeling great about your organizational skills.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why Decluttering Saves You Money

Clutter. It’s terrible for the soul, and terrible for all other life aspects as well. Clutter not only drags you down mentally, but it is also a huge waste of your financial resources. How exactly does clutter waste money, and how does getting rid of it help you save financially?

You Find Items You Forgot You Had

When you declutter, it can be like going shopping. As you clean, you will likely come across many objects that you forgot you had. You may need more pens and find close to one hundred. You just never know what you are going to find when you declutter. The rescued items can be organized from this point on, and used as needed.

You Don’t Have to Buy New Items Because You Lost the Old One

We’ve all been there. You have an item you need and you are sure you bought it already. You know that you have it somewhere, but you have so much clutter lying around that you may never find the item. You inevitably end up buying a new one, only to find the original several months down the road.

With piles and piles of seemingly random things being stored in your home, it can be near impossible to find what you are looking for when you need it the most. Decluttering can make your home more organized so that you never have to waste time looking for things you bought and misplaced, or buy a duplicate item.

It Encourages You to Buy Less

When you have spent a large amount of time decluttering your home, you realize what a time-waster it is to have too many items. It can be the most effective way of convincing yourself to buy less. You will save a large amount of money if you take the simple step of curbing your spending patterns. Buy less, and your life will instantly go in a positive direction.

You Can Downsize

The amount of real estate that clutter takes up is amazing. When you declutter, it makes you feel good and you will want to keep going. When you have gotten to a point where you are closer to being a minimalist, you will find that you truly do not need a lot of space to enjoy the home you live in. You may even find yourself seriously considering downsizing your home in order to save money and prepare for the future.

You Can Create Income Selling Old Items

Decluttering leaves you with not only a lot of junk, but also with many perfectly good items that you simply do not need. By selling these old items, you are not just saving money, but making some. This can be an added incentive to your decluttering efforts. Whether it be through a garage sale, word of mouth or an online ad, sell your old items and make some extra cash.

Decluttering is good for the mind, body and soul. It is also good for the wallet. If you are hoping to save money and be more responsible with what you have, take these thoughts into consideration. Decluttering can and does save you money, and in a big way.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Giving Every Item a Logical "Home"

As you declutter your home, and after you are done, there are several secrets that will help you to keep it looking spotless long after you have finished your task. One of these secrets is to give every item a logical home. Here is how to use this step to your advantage in your quest for clutter-free living.

Why Items Need a Logical Home

You may have all the items you could ever need or want, but if you don’t know where to find them, there is no point having them at all. Giving each item a home means that you will always know where to return something when you are done with it, and then when you need it again you will be able to find it easily and immediately.

Giving each item a logical home means that you don’t just choose a random spot for it to be stored, but rather store it in a place that makes sense. This way, if you forget where your item is, you can think about where it should be and find it without wasting too much time.

Starting Off with a Clean Slate

The best time to give multiple objects a home is when you have just done massive decluttering. Now that your home is purged and ready to be organized, find storage places for all your items that make sense to you personally. There’s no point in trying to organize anything at all when you have too many things around that need to be given away or discarded.

Giving Each Item a Room

Observe the items that you have chosen to keep. Decide what room you are generally in when they are in use. Things such as scissors, paper and pens will likely go in your office - or if you don’t have a designated office, your living room.

Things pertaining to sleep or clothing will likely be stored in the bedrooms of those whom they belong to. Kitchen items always belong in the kitchen. Continue on in this way until all your items are sorted into rooms.

Giving Each Item a Particular Spot in the Room

Now that you have a room for each item, choose a particular place for it. Your bedroom might have a closet and shelves for clothing, a section in your closet for jewellery, and one drawer chosen for odds and ends. Try to keep similar items like shoes all in the same place so that when you are in a hurry to leave home, you don't have to look through the entire house to find the pair you need.

As you take these steps, remember that wherever you choose should be fairly obvious and make sense to you and anyone else who lives there. For example, store your piano books in a small book rack beside the piano, rather than on the other side of the room. This seems fairly obvious, but it deserves repeating because this organization rule is broken so often.

If you are not a natural organizer, it can be a challenge to become one. With a little time and practice, however, you will get there. By using these simple steps, your organizational ability will grow in leaps and bounds.