Show us your kindness, O Lord, grant us your salvation. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak; for he will speak of peace to his people, to those who love him, and turn their hearts to him.
Psalm 85:7-8
Show us your kindness, O Lord, grant us your salvation. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak; for he will speak of peace to his people, to those who love him, and turn their hearts to him.
Psalm 85:7-8
Great are the things that the Lord has done, worthy of study by those who love them. Majestic and glorious is his work, and his righteousness abides forever. For his marvelous deeds he has won renown; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion.
Psalm 111:2-4
For great are you, and a doer of wonders; you alone are God. Teach me, O Lord, your way, that I may walk in your truth: so my heart shall rejoice in your name. I will give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart, my God, I will honor your name forever.
Psalm 86:10-12
Psalm 148:1-4