Showing posts with label professional organizers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professional organizers. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2023

What Do Virtual Home Organizers Do?

A virtual professional home organizer is a professional who helps clients organize and declutter their homes remotely, typically using virtual communication tools such as phone calls, video calls, and email.

They can usually provide a range of services, such as helping clients create and implement a home organization system, providing guidance on decluttering and sorting items, and offering tips and strategies for maintaining an organized home.

Virtual professional home organizers typically work with clients to assess their needs and develop a customized plan for organizing their space. This may involve creating a list of areas to declutter, identifying storage solutions, and developing strategies for maintaining organization.

They may also provide virtual coaching and support to help clients stay motivated and on track with their organizing goals. Some virtual professional home organizers may also offer additional services such as virtual home staging or virtual personal styling.

Virtual professional home organizers can be a useful resource for people who need help organizing their homes but are unable to work with an in-person organizer due to location or other constraints.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Working With A Professional Organizer

Not everyone has the time or the patience to keep their spaces as tidy as they would like. People are busy and do not always have the time to deal with clutter and over time it will begin to build up. If the task becomes overwhelming, there are people that one can turn to to help get the mess turned around. Professional organizers are out there and have the experience to get the clutter under control.

When an organizer arrives with you they will go over the area you want organized. Usually, together the two of you will devise a plan of how you want the space to be and what types of storage system will be needed. The organizer will make sure the storage system will do what you want to do and be functional in your life.

Once a plan has been established, all of the items in the space will be temporarily cleared out. With the room being cleared, it will be easier to start over and have a fresh start. Everything that was taken out of the room will be sorted through and will be divided into three different piles. Those piles will be keep, toss and donate. All of the toss and donate items will be done right away so there is no chance they will make it back into the room on second thoughts.

With the keep pile now created, the system that was earlier decided on for how to store all of the items is put into motion. This could be storing many of the items in bins, creating a shelving system or a combination of things. The items are then brought back into the room placing the most important and most used items in the front and the middle of the unit. The less used and less important items are placed in the lower and higher areas. 

After the room has been put back together, another assessment will be done. This is to be sure that the room has flow and is truly organized. The entire process from start to finish for your whole house can possibly take a few weeks or more depending on the depth of the unorganization.

A professional organizer needs to have great organizational skills. These people also need to have patience to deal with customers and to also make sure they are doing the best possible job they can. Most organizers begin by doing some work in the homes of family and friends and then branching out from there.

A trained professional organizer can be a great asset to someone who does not have the time to do it themselves and also to someone who just does not know where to start. With a little help, the house can be clutter free once again.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Myths About Professional Organizers


There are many myths surrounding what professional organizers actually do when they are working with a client. Some people think we go in and tell clients they must get rid of all their items and keep only the bare minimum. Some think that organizers are just expensive cleaning people. Others think we do it all while the client is gone and then the client is required to keep it up with no instruction.

The most important item to remember about professional organizers is that they are not there to judge you or your clutter. They are there to help you in any possible way they can. We are there to transfer our skill of organizing onto you.

Starting with the first myth. Professional organizers never tell a client they must throw out anything. We are there to ask the right questions, find out the story on the items, and discuss the purpose of keeping certain belongings. We are sympathetic to the fact that going through so many belongings can be stressful, energy draining, and most of the time, hard. Since we are not emotional attached to all the items, we come in with a more objective view. We help our clients realize what is important to keep and why some belongings might not be. Once a client has gone through many of their personal items, they begin to see a pattern. For example, they realize they have 3 of the same peeler or 16 pairs of scissors in the house. Some have even said they did not like the item to begin with and cannot figure out why they bought more. To some they find humor in how much they have kept and realize they do not want all these items taking up valuable space. To others it is a long process of letting go of personal items they have kept for many years. They tell us the story as to why they kept it and discover it is really not that great of a story or sometimes they cannot remember the story. The longer we work with our clients, the more comfortable they become donating or tossing items. Organizers give that comfort and reassurance as the client lets go of the clutter that is restricting them from living stress free.

The next myth is just that, a myth. Professional organizers are not expensive cleaning people. Professional organizers do not carry around vacuum cleaners and cleaning supplies. Most have power tools if they install closet systems and all professional organizers have a labeler. We are there to clear the clutter and find systems that will assist you in keeping it organized. Professional organizers do not provide a consistent cleaning service. We do provide follow up visits for clients.

Lastly, professional organizers work directly with their clients when clearing clutter. It is rare that someone would want to keep all the clutter and just get it organized. Most clients know before they even call an organizer that they will be donating and throwing out much of their clutter. Professional organizers help individuals find systems that will assist them in keeping their spaces organized. We teach our clients to see the root of their clutter problem, how to get the clutter out, and how to stay that way. If I came in and organized your space and left, how would you know where anything was and how to keep it that way so you were not back in the same situation in a few months?

Julie Riber is a professional organizer in the central Ohio area. She has been organizing homes and businesses for over 4 years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and President of the Ohio Chapter of NAPO.

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