Friday, June 6, 2014

Use Index Cards to Write Your Goals

Most of us are so busy these days. It is always helpful to learn a few techniques and skills to reduce stress in our lives. Many women have active careers outside of their homes. They may need to juggle their part-time or full-time work responsibilities with their everyday homemaking tasks. It is difficult to be all things to all people the majority of the time. Busy moms can easily become emotionally and physically exhausted or drained. This doesn't have to happen. It may be helpful to learn good time management skills.

You can get into the habit of writing down specific short-term and long-term goals. I have gotten into the habit of using index cards and I write down a specific goal on each card. I arrange the cards so the goals that I feel are high priority are placed on top, and the less important goals go behind.

I write project deadline dates on the top of each index card. I break each goal down into specific steps that I need to complete to accomplish the goal. I also schedule specific time to achieve each of my goals/tasks. For example, I routinely set aside 15-30 minutes each day to sort, organize, or clean my house. 

So, you may want to get some index cards and write specific cleaning or organizing tasks down on each card. Place all of your cards in an index box. You can select one index card each day and that can be your cleaning or organizing task. 

There are some tasks you can do that will only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. For example, you may think it takes 15 minutes to clean out one kitchen or bathroom cabinet. You might be able to sort and organize a book shelf in 10 minute. If you have 5 minutes, you may be able to clean off a counter top. You can organize your wallet or purse. For larger projects, such as cleaning out a refrigerator or a closet, you may want to allow 1 to 2 hours or more, etc. 

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