Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Truth About Organizing


"A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind." Really?
Many people think that organizing is about spend all your time keeping your home perfectly neat and tidy. Or about buying lots of expensive containers. Perhaps when you think of an organized Mom you think of someone like Bree on Desperate Housewives who lives to be organized instead of organizing to live.
Some people figure that if they aren't obsessed with organizing, they won't really become organized so why bother organizing at all? The truth is that just being reasonably organized enhances your whole life. It improves your self-confidence, self-respect, and overall well being. It lowers stress and helps you find more time and energy to do the things in life that matter most to you, like spending time with family, pursuing creative hobbies, eating healthy, and exercising.
Organizing is NOT about being tidy all the time.
One of the great myths about being organized is that you have to be perfectly tidy all the time. Many "tidy" people are actually quite disorganized. They may focus on making things look good, yet their closets and drawers may be stuffed to the brim with stuff they can't find when they need it!
Organizing is NOT about buying lots of fancy containers.
Yet another myth about organizing. Containers are great and are needed for some things, but if you don't buy them with a purpose in mind, they just become more clutter. You rarely have to buy a lot more storage containers to get organized, you just have to use what you have efficiently!
Being organized is about:
  • Being in control of your space, your possessions and your time.
  • Being proactive and not just reactive to all the stuff and noise out there competing for your attention and your money. For example, shopping for what you need, rather than reacting to advertising and gimmicks that tempt you to shop impulsively.
  • Being able to find what you need, when you need it.
  • Being able to get where you want to be on time.
  • Being able to pay your bills on time.
  • Having a home for everything so that putting things away - and finding them again - is just as easy as dropping them on a table.
  • Being able to clean up for company in less than 20 minutes!
Being organized is not about making you perfect, it's about having a place for everything, and embracing imperfection. That way even if you do let it go for a while, instead of beating yourself up, you'll get back on track and keep looking forward.
© 2006 Ariane Benefit
Get fresh ideas for simplifying life at Ariane Benefit, M.S.Ed. is a Life Design Coach, speaker and author with over 25 years experience working with Fortune 500 businesses, non-profits, purpose-driven self-employed professionals and passionate individuals to uplevel their performance, heal chronic disorganization, clutter and overwhelm, and to design more function, flow and fulfillment into life and work. She has appeared on NPR and been quoted in Psychology Today, the Wall Street Journal, New York Newsday, and more.

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