Sunday, July 8, 2012

What You Can't Afford in This Economy


What you can't afford in this economy is to be DISORGANIZED. Here's why:

Buying duplicate items because you couldn't find what you needed or you didn't remember you had it in the first place wastes money.

Questions to ask:

Do you have more than 3 bags of pasta or spaghetti sauce in your pantry?
If your entire house were searched, would more than 3 staplers turn up?
When it comes time to get out the holiday decorations, are you unable to find them all and end up purchasing new ones each year?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be wasting money by purchasing things you do not need.

Food uses a bigger portion of the budget than is needed.

Questions to ask:

Does your lack of meal planning lead to eating out more than twice a week?
Do you often go out to eat simply because the kitchen is so cluttered that the thought of cooking is completely overwhelming?
When you grocery shop, do you shop without a list?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be spending more money on food than is necessary.

1 in 4 adults say they pay bills late (thus incurring late fees) because they lose them.

Questions to ask:

When a bill comes in the mail, do you have a consistent place to put it?
Do you have a schedule you follow for paying your bills?
Do you feel in control of the mail and have a system for dealing with it?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be wasting money on late fees.

Susan Stewart is a professional organizer and the founder of Perfectly Placed Professional Organization and Design in the Phoenix area. Perfectly Placed simplifies the domestic lives of women through organization. You can find out more about Susan and Perfectly Placed at her website:

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