Monday, January 27, 2014

Helpful Organizing Principles

  • When you purchase a new item in a certain category, you may decide to donate or sell another item that you already have in that category. This is sometimes referred to as "the one in - one out" principle. So, you won't have a tendency to accumulate too much again in the future.
  • Before you decide to buy a new item for your home, try to visualize where it will " live" or be placed in your home. If you can't figure that out, it may be better to hold off on the purchase at this time, if possible. 
  • Buy containers after you declutter, so you know exactly how many you will need and the correct sizes.
  • You can label your containers with name of the contents, so you and your family will be able to quickly find your items when needed.
  • Focus on one specific area when you are organizing your home. If you happen to find certain items that belong in another room, you can collect them in a separate box and put them back where they belong when you are finished with your organizing project. This will save you some time and keep you from getting distracted.
  • Finally, make sure you have a maintenance plan to keep your house organized.

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Video Titled "Get Clean Products"

You may wish to check out more information at Deb Sawran, Shaklee Independent Distributor.

Video Titled "Moms Making a Difference"

You may wish to check out more information at Deb Sawran, Shaklee Independent Distributor.

Video Titled "How to Organize Your Desk (Part 2 of 9 Home Office Organization Series)"

Sunday, January 26, 2014

10 Positive Benefits of Home Organization

Getting organized and maintaining order in your home may help you relax more. Hopefully, your life will be less chaotic and you should be able to focus better and be more productive with your household chores and work in general. Most people want their home environment to be peaceful and comforting.

You may find that you will have more time for yourself and your family after your house is decluttered and organized. You won't be wasting time looking for items because you will have decided on the proper "home" to store everything in your house.

You will increase your everyday efficiency. You can complete your daily chores quicker and have more time to do the things that you truly enjoy in life, such as: hobbies, exercising, writing, or cooking healthy meals.

You may even find it easier to make everyday decisions.

Once you are organized, you will learn how to specifically delegate the right tasks to certain family members.

You should develop positive feelings about your home environment. Instead of feeling embarrassed about a cluttered house, you can have confidence when friends or visitors come to your home. Instead of worrying and feeling anxious, you can feel relaxed and enjoy their company in your nice surroundings.

An organized person may find it easier to maintain a healthier lifestyle in general. By getting organized, you will gain the valuable time to exercise and cook healthy meals for yourself and your family. You will enjoy having a healthy everyday routine.

A person with good organizational skills may be more productive and efficient in their professional career. If you happen to be a business owner, you may easily provide a nice impression to your clients. Instead of having a cluttered office piled with papers, you can showcase an organized and functional work space conducive for a successful business. Now, you will have adequate time to be prompt for appointments, instead of being late.

An organized, efficient person may possibly save money. Instead of buying duplicate items at the store, you will know what you have at home and only buy exactly what you need.

You can realistically reach towards accomplishing your goals. You can streamline your organizational methods and have plenty of time to accomplish your "To-Do" list for short-term and long-term goals!

Good Organizing Habits For Maintaining an Orderly Home

Many families are so busy these days. People may begin to feel disorganized and overwhelmed when their homes become cluttered. This type of situation can interfere with our daily lives.

Clutter can easily affect the function of a room in your home. This is especially true for dining room and kitchen areas in many busy households. Family members may put miscellaneous items on the tables, such as: mail, handbags, car keys, bags of groceries from the store, school books/homework papers, book-bags, bills, and coupons for the grocery store, etc.

The problem with this type of situation is the dining room table will be full of too much clutter and there won't be any room for family members to gather around as a family to eat, relax, and communicate during a meal. We may easily forget the importance of sitting down as a family together at the dinner table to have our meals everyday.

It may be helpful to get into the habit of routinely keeping your dining room or kitchen table clean and free of all clutter. It would be a nice idea to place a pretty tablecloth on your table. After dinner is finished, you can make sure the table is clean and the dishes are done.

If family members have snacks before bedtime, you can quickly tidy up the area once again. I have gotten into the habit of doing a quick walk through the rooms in my home in the evening to declutter anything that needs my attention. It is so much nicer to wake up to a clean kitchen and dining room area at breakfast time.

One helpful solution is to have a designated container, or a specific type of storage box for each individual family member located at a central location in your home. You could set up an organized section in the entrance area of your house, so each family member would have a suitable space to place some of their miscellaneous belongings. Maybe a nice bench with shelves would come in handy to help hold book-bags, umbrellas, or handbags.

If your children happen to have art or homework projects, you may also want to have special containers to keep their school supplies for their projects. You can label the containers. Encourage everyone to put away their supplies after they are done using them.

These are sensible organizational tips for easy and simple everyday clean-up; however, a few simple tips can help with maintaining an orderly home. Learning to organize your home may help you save time in the future while doing your daily chores in the house.

As you become more organized, you will be pleasantly surprised about how easy it will become to find specific items in your home. As you declutter areas in your home and stay organized, you may feel less stressed in general and more productive with work.