Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Video Titled "Clutter Video Tip: How to Manage Your Time, Part 2: COMMIT"

Video Titled "Effective In-Box Systems for Your Home Office"

Video Titled "Tracy Anderson Method: Time Management with Julie Morgenstern, Life Coach"

6 Fresh Tips For Saving Time


Several years ago my aunt went back to school to become a nurse when she was in her 40's. Her husband was a farmer and he worked before sun up and after the sun was down out in the fields so the meal cooking and household chores were still her responsibility.
Because she was older it was harder for her going back to school and she had to work twice as hard as the younger students-at least that is how she felt. Her solution to finding time in the day to study, cook, and still get rid of clutter that somehow creeps into all homes was to not only use her time wisely but to find more time in the day.
One of her solutions to saving time was to mix her salt and pepper in one shaker. She figured this saved her a few seconds every morning while preparing breakfast before dashing out the door.
There are many ways we can save time and here are 5 tips to help you save time all the time:
1. Pay bills on line and opt out of paper bills coming to your home. It is safe to pay on line and you can keep a copy of every bill paid as your financial institution notifies you when it is paid. This also saves time not having to file the paper bill.
2. Opt out of junk mail. Get your name off junk mail lists by searching on line for a company you want to sign up with to get your name removed. This will save you a lot of time not having to sort through all the junk mail you may receive and have to recycle.
3. Set up a family calendar where everyone can see what activities everyone is doing and when they are happening so you don't miss appointments or double book. Be sure to write them in your own personal planner also. If you use an electronic planner you can send it to other family members also.
4. Get rid of clutter before it becomes clutter. If you don't read magazines, unsubscribe to them. This saves you time having to go through them about every 3 months and getting rid of the ones you don't read.
5. Get rid of clutter in your clothes closet. Clothes you don't wear donate to a thrift shop where someone else can benefit from your generosity. This will free up space in your closet so you can save time getting dressed as you can find your clothes easier and match outfits faster.
6. Organize the night before for the next day. Set out the children's clothes-or use a hanging sweater holder in the closet and plan out a week's worth of clothes on Sunday evening. Each separate 'pocket' holds one day's clothes. Check to see the cell phones are charged and anything you need to take with you in the morning is packed in your briefcase or bag. Hang this by the door you leave by so you can grab and go.
When there is less clutter in our homes in the cupboards, closets and living spaces it saves time sorting through it and looking for things we actually use and need.
Marilyn Bohn is the owner of Get it Together Organizing, a business dedicated to developing practical organizing solutions that help individuals and business professionals live clutter-free and productive lives. She is the author of "Go Organize! Conquer Clutter in Three Simple Steps" and is an experienced, enthusiastic public speaker, a member of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and the author of hundreds of articles covering various organizing topics.
Marilyn takes the often stressful subject of organizing and breaks it down into her simple, easy to understand system. Her methods are both eye-opening and encouraging! She has a passion for helping others reach their personal goals and living a better, clutter-free life!
Marilyn offers personal, private consulting to assist in organizing and she invites you to sign up for free organizing tips at her website for easy organizing tips, videos, blog, workshops and more.
Get your free guide on what papers to keep and how long to keep them at

Video Titled "Clutter Video Tip: How to Manage Your Time, Part 1, Capture"

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Video Titled "Purse Organization - How to Organize Your Bag.mp4"

2 Honest-To-Goodness Ways To Get Rid Of Clutter


When I think of my 82 year old grandma I think of her tiny yet beautiful garden with its straight rows of veggies. My cousins and I used to "sneak" (Now that I am older I suspect she was watching us from her kitchen window) into the lettuce patch and pick the luscious greens. We would take them into the house and after washing the leaves would smother them in mayonnaise and eat them with relish and delight. My grandma would fake scold us forgetting in her garden and we would laugh and giggle.
Another thing I remember her doing was twiddling her thumbs.I was reminded of this mannerism the other day when I was visiting with a friend and she was doing the same thing. It caught me off guard that someone who is not old was twiddling her thumbs.
Do you ever say to yourself "I sat around all day twiddling my thumbs"? It might be nice if we had that luxury but I know we are all busy and our time is at a premium with everything we have to do. One of the things I see a lot of in magazines at the newsstands are articles on getting rid of clutter and clutter clearing.
Just like thumb twiddling doesn't get us anywhere just being busy doesn't mean we are accomplishing getting rid of clutter. There are many easy things we can do every day that will help us to clutter clear in our homes and space.
1. Make lists
· Write your lists in a place where you can find them again. I don't recommend using sticky notes as they can pile up, get lost and buried. Write them in your daily planner. (If you don't have a planner get one and use it-either an electronic one or a paper one). I use a paper one because I like the tactile feeling of writing things in it and checking them off.
· Create a master list where you write everything that comes into your head that you want to do. Things as simple as sewing on a button, calling someone, exercising, working on a craft, or getting rid of clutter in a specific area in your home.
· Create a daily to do list. Prioritize this list by putting a number by each item in the order of the most important things to get done first down to things you want to get done but can be moved to another day if they aren't done that day. Caution: Don't always move 'get rid of clutter' to the next day.
2. Plan for tomorrow today
Years ago I was trained in the one minute manager system.The only thing I remember from that training which I have used for years and has proved to be very valuable is this: prepare for tomorrow the night before. When I worked in an office I would use the last 10 minutes of the day to straighten my desk and check my planner to see what was planned for the next day.
At home I do the same thing, at the end of every day I tidy up which is a way to get rid of clutter that has maybe accumulated during the day. Doing it daily prevents clutter from piling up. Piles always take a lot longer to get rid of.
Mornings are much easier and simpler when the cell phone has been recharged the night before and anything leaving the house has been placed by the door. (Things such as back packs, brief cases etc.) Also checking purses for lunch money or check to see if things needed to make lunches are on hand to make mornings run smoother.
These two simple tips: to make lists and plan ahead make getting rid of clutter easier as not always being in a big hurry and "scattered"help keep us focused and accomplishing our goals.
Marilyn is a creative organizer who has been organizing for over 20 years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and is working towards becoming a Certified Professional Organizer. Professionally she has been organizing homes and offices for two years. She holds a bachelors degree in Social Work. She has reared five daughters and currently lives in Utah.
Go to her website where you can find free organizing tips and interesting blogs and helpful articles on organizing.